Percona Server moved to 5.5.37-35.0

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Percona Server moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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3 George Ormond Lorch III, 3 Laurynas Biveinis, 6 Sergei Glushchenko, 3 Tomislav Plavcic
3 Implemented
13 Fix Released

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New Features

Percona Server now supports Metrics for scalability measurement.

Percona Server now supports Audit Log Plugin.

Percona Server packages are now available for Ubuntu 14.04.

Bugs Fixed

Percona Server couldn’t be built with Bison 3.0. Bug fixed #1262439,upstream #71250 (Ryan Gordon).

Backported the upstream fix for overflow which would caused replication SQL thread to fail to execute events. Bug fixed #1070255 (upstream #67352).

Percona Server debug packages were not built for the previous releases. Bug fixed #1298352.

Queries that no longer exceed long_query_time were written to the slow query log if they matched the previous long_query_time value when slow_query_log_use_global_control variable was set to all. Bug fixed #1016991.

When writing audit plugins it was not possible to get notifications for general-log events without enabling the general-log. Bug fixed #1182535 (upstream #60782).

mysqld_safe did not correctly parse flush_caches and numa_interleave options. Bug fixed #1231110.

Thread Pool would handle a new client connection without notifying Audit Plugin. Bug fixed #1282008.

Fixed a performance issue in extending tablespaces if running under fusionIO with atomic writes enabled. Bug fixed #1286114 (Jan Lindström).

Previous implementation of the log_slow_rate_type set to query with log_slow_rate_limit feature would log every nth query deterministically instead of each query having a 1/n probability to get logged. Fixed by randomly selecting the queries to be logged instead of logging every nth query. Bug fixed #1287650.

Percona Server source files were referencing Maatkit instead of Percona Toolkit. Bug fixed #1174779.

Maximum allowed value for log_slow_rate_limit was ULONG_MAX (ie. either 4294967295 or 18446744073709551615, depending on the platform). As it was unreasonable to configure the slow log for every four billionth session/query, new maximum allowed value is set to 1000. Bug fixed #1290714.

Other bugs fixed: #1272732.

3 blueprints and 13 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Merge MySQL 5.5.37 Merge MySQL 5.5.37 5 Essential Laurynas Biveinis  11 Implemented
Audit Log Plugin Audit Log Plugin 4 High Sergei Glushchenko  11 Implemented
Metrics for scalability measurement Metrics for scalability measurement 4 High Sergei Glushchenko  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1262439 #1262439 Compiling using Bison 3.0 does not work 2 Critical Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1070255 #1070255 overflow caused replication sql thread failed to execute events 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1208921 #1208921 Assertion failure in thread 140433424082688 in file line 6207 | prebuilt->trx->conc_state == 1 | prebuilt->trx->state == 1 (in case of PS) 3 High   10 Fix Released
1297587 #1297587 percona-server-client-5.6.16-64.2-569.wheezy doesn't provide 'mysql-client' 3 High Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1298352 #1298352 Percona Server 5.6 debian debug packages are missing 3 High Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1016991 #1016991 long_query_time not respected when slow_query_log_use_global_control = all 4 Medium George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1182535 #1182535 Audit plugin API: no MYSQL_AUDIT_GENERAL_LOG notifications with general log off 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1231110 #1231110 mysqld_safe does not correctly parse flush_caches and numa_interleave options 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1282008 #1282008 Threadpool adds connection without notifying audit plugin 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1286114 #1286114 Slow file extend when posix_fallocate used on SSD file storage. 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1287650 #1287650 Change log_slow_rate_type=query log_slow_rate_limit to be random 4 Medium George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1174779 #1174779 Percona Server sources referencing Maatkit should reference Percona Toolkit instead 5 Low Tomislav Plavcic  10 Fix Released
1290714 #1290714 Maximum allowed value for log_slow_rate_limit is unreasonably high 5 Low George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
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