Registered by Vadim Tkachenko

An enhanced drop-in replacement for MySQL, with better performance, improved diagnostics, and added features.

Note: Percona Server code hosting has been moved to The Bazaar branches will not be updated further.
Bug reporting has been moved to moved to

Percona Server's focus is threefold:

* Quality of service: speed and consistency of query execution.
* Transparency: improved instrumentation and measurability.
* Operational flexibility: making the server easier to maintain.

The improved instrumentation is directly responsible for the performance improvements. As a result, with Percona Server,

* Your queries will run faster and more consistently.
* You can consolidate servers on powerful hardware.
* You can delay sharding, or avoid it entirely.
* You can save money on hosting fees and power.
* You can spend less time tuning and administering.
* You can achieve higher uptime.
* You can troubleshoot without guesswork.

Percona recommends that all production deployments be protected with a support contract ( to ensure the highest uptime, be eligible for hot fixes, and boost your team's productivity.

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Part of:
Percona Projects
Percona core
Percona core
Simplified BSD Licence, GNU GPL v2

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5.7 series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
C, C++

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