Percona Server moved to 5.5.28-29.3

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Percona Server moved to
Stewart Smith
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12 Alexey Kopytov, 3 George Ormond Lorch III, 6 Laurynas Biveinis, 2 Stewart Smith, 5 Vlad Lesin
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31 Fix Released

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Announcing Percona Server 5.5.28-29.3
January 8, 2013 By Hrvoje Matijakovic 1 Comment

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Server 5.5.28-29.3 on January 8th, 2012 (Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories).

Based on MySQL 5.5.28, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server 5.5.28-29.3 is now the current stable release in the 5.5 series. All of Percona‘s software is open-source and free, all the details of the release can be found in the 5.5.28-29.3 milestone at Launchpad.

Bugs Fixed:

    Fixed the upstream bug #66550 and the security vulnerability CVE-2012-4414. This was caused because user-supplied identifiers (table names, field names, etc.) are not always properly quoted, so authorized users that have privileges to modify a table (any non-temporary table) can inject arbitrary SQL into the binary log and that could cause multiple SQL injection like vulnerabilities. This bug fix comes originally from MariaDB (see MDEV-382). Bug fixed #1049871 (Vlad Lesin).
    Fixed the upstream bug #67685 and the security vulnerability CVE-2012-5611. This vulnerability allowed remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code via a long argument to the GRANT FILE command. This bug fix comes originally from MariaDB (see MDEV-3884). Bug fixed #1083377 (Vlad Lesin).
    Rows_read was calculated in a way which lead to a negative value being printed in the slow query log. Fixed by making Rows_read to be a synonym for Rows_examined in the slow query log. Bug fixed #830286 (Alexey Kopytov).
    Fixed the upstream bug #66237. Temporary files created by binary log cache were not purged after transaction commit. Fixed by truncating the temporary file, if used for a binary log transaction cache, when committing or rolling back a statement or a transaction. Bug fixed #1070856 (Alexey Kopytov).
    Values for Rows_sent and Rows_read would be identical in the Slow Query Log. This bug was introduced when slow_extended.patch was ported to Percona Server 5.5. Fixed by making Rows_read identical to Rows_examined instead. Bug fixed #721176 (Alexey Kopytov).
    Fixed unsigned math error in fsp_reserve_free_extents that in some specific cases would cause the function to believe that billions more extents have been reserved than have actually been reserved. Bug fixed #1083700 (George Ormond Lorch III).
    When mysqldump was used with --innodb-optimize-keys, it did not handle composite indexes correctly when verifying if the optimization is applicable with respect to AUTO_INCREMENT columns. Bug fixed #1039536 (Alexey Kopytov).
    Upstream bug #67606 would cause Percona Server to crash with segmentation fault when disk quota was reached. Bug fixed #1079596 (George Ormond Lorch III).
    In cases where indexes with AUTO_INCREMENT columns where correctly detected, mysqldump prevented all such keys from optimization, even though it is sufficient to skip just one (e.g. the first one). Bug fixed #1081003 (Alexey Kopytov).

Other bug fixes: bug fixed #1071986 (Alexey Kopytov), bug fixed #901060 (Laurynas Biveinis), bug fixed #1090596 (Stewart Smith), bug fixed #1087202 (Vladislav Vaintroub, Laurynas Biveinis) and bug fixed #1087218 (Vladislav Vaintroub, Laurynas Biveinis).

Release notes for Percona Server 5.5.28-29.3 are available in our online documentation. Bugs can be reported on the launchpad bug tracker.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 31 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1049871 #1049871 Multiple SQL injections 2 Critical Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
1049871 #1049871 Multiple SQL injections 2 Critical Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
1083377 #1083377 Incompletely fixed MySQL bug 2 Critical Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
1083377 #1083377 Incompletely fixed MySQL bug 2 Critical Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
830286 #830286 rows_read is overflowed when changing db 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
830286 #830286 rows_read is overflowed when changing db 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
901060 #901060 Multiple issues with percona_innodb_kill_idle_trx test 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
901060 #901060 Multiple issues with percona_innodb_kill_idle_trx test 3 High Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1070856 #1070856 Temporary files created by binary log cache are not purged after transaction commit 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1070856 #1070856 Temporary files created by binary log cache are not purged after transaction commit 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1090596 #1090596 userstat_bug602047 fails with --repeat 3 High Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
1090596 #1090596 userstat_bug602047 fails with --repeat 3 High Stewart Smith  10 Fix Released
1175519 #1175519 Incorrect truncation of long SET expression in LOAD DATA can cause SQL injection 3 High   10 Fix Released
1186748 #1186748 Oracle fix for CVE-2012-5611 is incomplete 3 High   10 Fix Released
721176 #721176 slow_extended in 5.5 always shows identical values for Rows_sent and Rows_read 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
721176 #721176 slow_extended in 5.5 always shows identical values for Rows_sent and Rows_read 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1083700 #1083700 fsp_reserve_free_extents fails to reserve space if FSP_SIZE < FSP_FREE_LIMIT 4 Medium George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1083700 #1083700 fsp_reserve_free_extents fails to reserve space if FSP_SIZE < FSP_FREE_LIMIT 4 Medium George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1087202 #1087202 smaller type conversion bugs on 32 bit 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1087202 #1087202 smaller type conversion bugs on 32 bit 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1087218 #1087218 Incorrect implementation of os_file_set_eof_at on Windows 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1087218 #1087218 Incorrect implementation of os_file_set_eof_at on Windows 4 Medium Laurynas Biveinis  10 Fix Released
1039536 #1039536 mysqldump --innodb-optimize-keys can generate invalid table definitions 5 Low Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1039536 #1039536 mysqldump --innodb-optimize-keys can generate invalid table definitions 5 Low Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1079596 #1079596 Percona Server crashes with segmentation fault when disk quota is reached 5 Low George Ormond Lorch III  10 Fix Released
1071986 #1071986 No percona_slow_extended_error_on_quit test in 5.5 1 Undecided Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1071986 #1071986 No percona_slow_extended_error_on_quit test in 5.5 1 Undecided Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1081003 #1081003 mysqldump --innodb-optimize-keys handles AUTO_INCREMENT columns inefficiently 1 Undecided Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1081003 #1081003 mysqldump --innodb-optimize-keys handles AUTO_INCREMENT columns inefficiently 1 Undecided Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1223196 #1223196 last argument of LOAD DATA ... SET ... statement repeated twice in binlog 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1277351 #1277351 file name is not escaped in binlog for LOAD DATA INFILE statement 1 Undecided Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
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