Maintainers of Emacs and Emacs Lisp packages in Ubuntu.

Some intiial plans for this group and other thoughts are detailed at

This group can be considered to be in the "drafting" stage. Please feel free to join if you are interested in group-maintaining some Emacs Lisp packages in Ubuntu, drafting policy, etc.

Membership is currently open to both developers and interested on-lookers, provided that they have working email addresses that are registered with Launchpad.

Here's a quick TODO list of things that are on [robru's] mind right now (2013-04-18):
* Take the brand-new ultra-minimalist snapshot-packaging branch and build it up a little:
    - make it support debian's site-start.d properly

* Investigate the few failing tests and get fixes for those approved upstream, so that we can re-enable the testsuite to be run during daily snapshot builds.

* Encourage more people to use this snapshot package and get more feedback, encourage more contributors.

Team details

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Robert Bruce Park
Created on:
Membership policy:
Moderated Team

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Pending approval

Mailing list

mail ubuntu-elisp@juju-7df01d-qastaging-launchpad-6
Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list.
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