Current Location: Pennsylvania, United States of America
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) as of 2024
Project affiliations and roles:
* Ubuntu:
- Ubuntu Member
- Bug Squad Member
- Bug Control Member
- Member of the Ubuntu Server Team
- Ubuntu Core Developer (since Jun 17, 2019)
- Ubuntu Developer Membership Board member (elected February 25, 2020)
- Ubuntu Community Council Member (elected October 24, 2020, reelected for 2nd term in 2022, re-elected for third term in 2024)
* Ask Ubuntu (
- Community Moderator (elected; June 21, 2016)
- PPA maintainer for the NGINX team
- NGINX Package Uploader/Maintainer (in Ubuntu only)
- NGINX Packaging Maintainer (in Debian Salsa, which feeds Debian NGINX)
* Lubuntu:
- Sysadmin for helping to maintain Lubuntu infrastructure
(servers and systems for phab, translations, etc.)
- Lubuntu Development Team Member
- Lubuntu Council Member (Feb 2021 - Current)
* Ubuntu Studio:
- Ubuntu Studio Development Team Member
If you have a question or a bug report regarding my PPAs, please
refer to this project, and ask a question or file a bug against it
there, as it tracks my PPAs: https:/
LPIC-1 Certified Linux System Administrator
Verify: https:/
LPI ID: LPI000287137 Verification Code: gljkdzzn6m
Novell Certified Linux Administrator (obtained as part of LPIC-1)
Thomas W. @
teward @
Wiki Page: https:/
Reddit username: teward001 (VERY rarely used)
Twitter: @teward001
Time Availability: Varies
(Eastern US Time Zone, varying ranges of time throughout the day)
Talking with me might involve the use of some phrases that are not from the USA. Blame my hanging out with British people on that one. It's not my fault that some of the people of which are interesting are British, therefore I understand some English from the UK. (that's why it shows up under "Languages")
User information
- Launchpad Id:
- teward
- Email:
- Log in for email information.
- Member since:
- 2010-01-21
- Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
- Yes
- Languages:
- English, English (United Kingdom)
- OpenPGP keys:
- A8320721CEED8B16CEECF2E1766C8B3DDE6699FE
- Time zone:
- America/New_York (UTC-0500)
- Karma:
- 545 Karma help
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