
I wish to become more actively involved in Ubuntu development in time. I love the way the system works, I love the community and the spirit behind Ubuntu as well.

I have almost 10 years experience using Linux. Started with Red Hat 5.1, and 6.0. When RH 7.0 was released I switched to Slackware Linux.. ran that for 2 years or so, then I installed LFS (Linux From Scratch). But then I found out about Debian Linux from a friend. I started with Debian 3.0 (testing) for a while. After using Debian for years, I installed Ubuntu Breezy Badger, and ordered many CD's to share with friends. Since then I have been using Ubuntu and Debian both.

I am a full time Unix system administrator. I am responsible for a number of FreeBSD servers, a few HP/UX servers and my personal favorite, Debian and Ubuntu servers ofcourse. The servers are mostly webservers, virtual machine platforms, database servers, backup servers and internet VPN gateways.

Like I said I want to become more involved in helping Ubuntu. But right now I'm still trying to find my place, to find out what I can best help out with.

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