I am a graduate of Informatics, and currently lecturing at Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.
I am interested in open source programming, especially for operating systems. However, I am not able to do such programming, because what I have learned so far seemed to be commercial program builders - Borland Delphi and Visual Basic. I am also able of programming with PHP - MySQL.

We Indonesians, to be truthfully, do not against legally copyrighted softwares, although foreigners usually consider us as piracy masters.
The only reason which became our main consideration is the price. Softwares priced in US Dollars were too expensive for us to use at home. Don't mind offices.
No one would like to spend some one million rupiahs to buy a single operating system that just installs to a single computer. Not to mention the additional applications.

Well, I guess you already know why most of the students here support open source programs.
With just an average of 500.000 rupiahs given by our parents every months, to live by ourselves, there's no way of a student would sacrifice a half year 'meal money' to make up a good set of softwares in his/her computer.

No one would want to die starved just for a software.

visit my homepage at http://www.mahastama.com

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