Launchpad의 프로그램을 한국어로 번역합니다.
We translate Softwares in Launchpad to Korean.

번역 규정은 다음 링크와 같습니다.
The translation guildline is below link.

가입하기 위해서는 번역을 통해 기여하려는 정신이 필요합니다. 팀 오너에게 메일을 보내주십시오. 링크는 오른쪽에 있습니다.
You need soul to contribute by translating for join this team. Please mail to team owner. You can find link at right side.

Team details

Log in for email information.
Jinkyu Yi
Created on:
English, Korean
Membership policy:
Moderated Team

Mailing list

mail lp-l10n-ko@juju-7df01d-qastaging-launchpad-7
Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list.
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Subteam of

“Launchpad Korean Translators” is a member of these teams: