Kai Blin holds a degree in computational biology at the University of Tübingen.

He works on the WorldForge project (http://wiki.worldforge.org/wiki/User:KaiBlin), is a Wine developer (http://wiki.winehq.org/KaiBlin) and a member of the Samba team (http://www.samba.org/samba/team/).

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All assigned blueprints Assigned blueprints

It should be easy to download a large number of pictures by selecting for later download while browsing and then getting them in one go. Think "shopping cart" in web shops.
Presently all assets dump into an uncategorized "unassigned" bucket. Let's generate a high level grouping of categorizations for everything using mime-type as well as some directory structure information. 1. Create a collection for assets at the top-level of the repository: eg. (art, resources, 3d_skeletons) replac...
Presently it feels like you can drill down for a good while before you hit any media. We should give some sort of indication or visual preference to folders that contain a lot of media/folder ratio.

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