I'm a wizard in creating wizards.
User information
- Launchpad Id:
- joelbryan
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- Member since:
- 2005-10-05
- Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
- Yes
- Languages:
- Tagalog
- OpenPGP keys:
- 84BA318BDD8BE94F94E53A6EE6D7F776CE6DE3A7
- Time zone:
- Asia/Manila (UTC+0800)
- Karma:
- 0 Karma help
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Gnome Bling Manager
for Ubuntu
An interface to easily configure gnome desktop 3d effects.
GNOME have the functionality to create new documents based on templates. The feature is available via right-click action and "Create Document". However, the functionality is not well used because the Templates directory with the documents inside it, does not exist by default.
XML Optimization is a set of method that reformat the XML metadata for use with XML stream. The process is used in websites to minimize network bandwidth consumption and increase the memory space for the applications who store them locally. XML metadata is used by modern applications like OpenOffice.org, GNOME, Evol...
The UbuntuCommercialSupport aims to provide an interface for getting commercial support from Canonical Ltd, right into "System > Help > Commercial Support"
The software will support the following file input.
|| ZIP, RAR, ARJ, ACE || Compressed Files
|| MP3, WMA, AAC, M4A || Audio Codecs
|| RAM, RM || Real Media Codecs
|| MPG, MOV || Video Files
|| CBZ, CBR || Comics Files
|| CHM || Compiled Help Document
It will automatically install the necessary applications t...
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