Hello everybody

I am David Marien a German student, who is waiting for the his first year on university.
politics and economics are my are my subjects. The university I attend is the university of Potsdam
As you can think of, I like politics very much but I enjoy also reading historical books/stories.

The philosophy of Linux is a political philosophy and it is against the causeless restrictions of the great software producers who take advantage of their great market positions.
Therefore I will help to translate English texts into understandable German texts.
Because this small contribution will help that ubuntu is independent.
Linux and all its various kinds and Faces will help that there is more competition on the market and it is the demonstration that market economy can work properly if everybody has free access to the market and Everybody will have advantages: the users, the software producers and the society in general.

Mark Shuttleworth belongs to the very few wealthy persons who realised that this group has a exceptionally responsibility
 to the society.
With the great amount of money he has he can do a lot of practical things for society.
So I will also do something practical for others.

                   sincerely yours David Marien.

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