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- Launchpad Id:
- didrocks
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- Member since:
- 2005-10-25
- Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
- Yes
- Languages:
- English, French
- OpenPGP keys:
- DD00EF8F4D23C30D78EC990998B24A9CE4AC208E
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- Time zone:
- Europe/Paris (UTC+0100)
- Karma:
- 4699 Karma help
All assigned blueprints Assigned blueprints
Continue work to land ubuntu touch components to saucy
Discussing PS-related product processes
for Ubuntu
New PS-to-distro process to land their code on a daily basis on ubuntu.
Keybindings Health Check
for Ubuntu
We had tried to get some shortcut changes during the Precise cycle. Some successfully, some were not (like changing the "change worspace " keybindings).
We checked again the shortcuts at UDS time, and can do some small tweaking exposing eventually new shortcuts, but at least, moving to gsettings for the ...
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