Canonical's server team members.
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Subteam of
“Canonical Server” is a member of these teams:
- autopkgtest-requestors
- Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations
- Bug Zappers
- Canonical Ubuntu Platform
- cloud-initramfs-tools
- cloud-utils-devs
- cobbler
- Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages
- facter plugins
- Greater Cloud Image Team
- Launchpad OCI Builders
- Launchpad's Hardware Database Team
- Legacy LMA Charmers
- Llama (LMA) Charmers - NEXT
- Llama (LMA) Charmers
- OEM Priority Team
- orchestra
- orchestra-modules
- orchestra-puppet-recipes
- pollinate
- prometheus-snap-developers
- Server Team CI
- ssh-import-id
- Subiquity
- Tarmac Control Tower
- UA for Apps Devs
- Ubuntu Advantage Charmers
- Ubuntu Advantage Client
- Ubuntu Bug Control
- Ubuntu Docker Images
- Ubuntu Manpage Repository Developers
- Ubuntu Manpage
- Ubuntu Server papercutters
- Ubuntu Server QA
- Ubuntu Server
- Work Item Tracker Configuration Admins