Registered by Umang Varma

YoungCMS is an easy to use content management system written in PHP. It is structured around its own MVC framework, which accelerates the development of new features after the foundations are stable. YoungCMS has many features such as feed syndication, static pages and easy to use administration area.

Development of YoungCMS has been abandoned. If you are interested in taking this project forward, please fork this project under a different name. If you would like to know more about how it works before forking, feel free to contact me.

Project information

Umang Varma
Umang Varma
GNU GPL v2, GNU LGPL v2.1, Other/Open Source
(YoungCMS uses PHP-Markdown, which is Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Michel Fortin. ( )

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0.1 series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.1.6

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