WHIZARD Event Generator
WHIZARD is a program system designed for the efficient calculation of multi-particle scattering cross sections and simulated event samples.
WHIZARD can evaluate NLO QCD corrections in the SM for arbitary lepton and hadron colliders. Tree-level matrix elements are generated automatically for arbitrary partonic processes by using the Optimized Matrix Element Generator O'Mega. Matrix elements obtained by alternative methods (e.g., including loop corrections) may be interfaced as well. The program is able to calculate numerically stable signal and background cross sections and generate unweighted event samples with reasonable efficiency for processes with up to eight final-state particles; more particles are possible. For more particles, there is the option to generate processes as decay cascades including complete spin correlations. Different options for QCD parton showers are available.
Polarization is treated exactly for both the initial and final states. Final-state quark or lepton flavors can be summed over automatically where needed. For hadron collider physics, an interface to the standard LHAPDF is provided. For Linear Collider physics, beamstrahlung (CIRCE) and ISR spectra are included for electrons and photons. The events can be written to file in standard formats, including ASCII, StdHEP, the Les Houches event format (LHEF), HepMC, or LCIO. These event files can then be hadronized.
WHIZARD supports the Standard Model and a huge number of BSM models. Model extensions or completely different models can be added. WHIZARD fully supports external models from UFO files. There are also legacy interfaces to FeynRules and SARAH.
The code of released WHIZARD versions is hosted in a publically accessible GitLab:
View full history Series and milestones
3.1.x series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Git
- Programming languages:
- Fortran 2008, ocaml
All questions Latest questions
- Why does Whizard give a much larger cross section than other generators?
- mass values in flavor combination do not coincide
- WHIZARD build fails: /bin/sh: divisions.f90: command not found
- Why does the UFO interface fail with "invalid character at `\r'"?
- What is UFO warning: invalid complex declaration of input parameter
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #2053233: Issue when compiling WHIZARD using multiple processes via -j
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Bug #2042491: comparisons_recola.list missing from distribution
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Bug #2041755: Whizard does not compile with Pythia v8.310+ linked
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Bug #2021415: Renaming of case clashing UFO parameters incomplete
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Bug #2017739: Update new hadronic states in WHIZARD's model files
All blueprints Latest blueprints
More contributors Top contributors
- Juergen Reuter 790 points
- Krzysztof Mekala 402 points
- Yehia Abdelaziz 97 points
- Roy Lemmon 83 points
- Leonhard Reichenbach 69 points