Registered by Cassidy James Blaede

Usertest is a UX team's dream: one simple app that makes recording and tracking user tests super easy. It's currently in the planning phases, so sit tight. ;)

Usertest enables UX designers and developers to track several projects, each with their own sessions. Each session has a timestamp, notes, a screencast, a webcam video, and flagged events associated to it. Sessions can be exported as a standard picture-in-picture video file and csv of flagged events.

Usertest is currently in the UX planning stage, perhaps ironically. We have designs and features planned, but need developers who would like to do the heavy lifting. ;)

It's planned to be an app designed for elementary OS Isis (meaning GTK3.10 and the elementary HIG), but could definitely be used on other compatible platforms.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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