Registered by Alin Andrei

This project has closed!

Ubuntu Start is a script which helps new users set up a few things most people do when they first install Ubuntu. For now the script is only for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx.


* Zenity for a GUI

* Adds extra repositories: Ubuntu restricted, extras, Medibuntu, Getdeb, Dropbox (only if you select to install Dropbox)

* Installs from repositories: The GIMP, Pidgin, WINE, Choose between the best 3 docks for Linux (Docky, Cairo Dock and Avant Window Navigator), Install Google Earth, Bisigi Themes, Community themes (and extra community themes), Chromium browser, Gnome Do, Guake, VLC media player, Mplayer, SMplayer, Thunderbird, Dropbox, Codecs (multimedia, java, flash), additional archives support, DVD support and fonts, Ubuntu Tweak, Deluge Torrent, CompizConfig Settings Manager, Development tools (from build-essential to Subversion, GIT and so on).

* Downloads and installs the following: Google Chrome browser (will download the build for 32 or 64 bit, depending on your Ubuntu version), official smiley themes for Pidgin (for all the protocols), the latest Flash Player for 64bit via Adobe's website, Skype (32 or 64bit, depending on your Ubuntu version).

* Tweaks:

      o Move window buttons to the right (Karmic style)
      o Change Update Manager behavior to the one in Jaunty
      o Remove mounted drive icons from desktop
      o Disable the GDM login sound
      o Enable the icons in menus and buttons
      o Disable the GDM login user list
      o Remove the ubuntu-docs package (frees up 252MB)
      o Change Gnome Calendar first day of the week from Sunday to Monday
      o Downloads, installs and configure sharp fonts (starting with version 0.4.5: also installs sharp fonts for Firefox)
      o Fix 'apt-get update' delay for Google repository
      o Automatically mount NTFS drives on startup

* Option to reset any changes made by the tweaks (tweaks only!) (stating with version 0.4.5)

* Automatically accepts the JAVA and Google Earth license so you don't have to

* The Medibuntu server is currently down which made me develop a new feature: the script now tests the main Medibuntu server and 2 other mirrors and adds whichever of these 3 is working.

* Lots of checks to make sure you run the script proprely: will check if the script is ran as root, if Synaptic, apt-get, dpkg or Software Center is running and will ask you to close it before running the script, checks the internet connection to make sure you can actually install the packages, etc.

The script also comes with multiple languages. Supported languages so far:

* Czech - Translation submitted by clever fox
* German - Translation submitted by Sebastian
* French - Translation submitted by astromb
* Slovak - Translation submitted by enjoy
* Spanish - Translation submitted by Vicente. Also many thanks to CokiDVD and Ezequiel
* Italian translation by Lippol94 (, Santiago (
* Polish translation by buczyw. Also many thanks to Jacek
* Japanese translation by Yuya Saito (
* Dutch translation by Raoul
* Portuguese (PT) translation by FatGiant
* Malaysian translation by akmalhisyam (
* Galician translation by Jose Basalo
* Turkish translation by bsod1 (
* Korean translation by J.Park
* Brazilian Portuguese translation by Benjamim and lau
* Catalan translation by Joan Padrosa
* Estonian translation by Magnus
* Simplified Chinese translation by Iven Day
* Bahasa Indonesia translation by antok
* Asturian translation by iñigo
* Romanian translation
* Slovenian translation by kv1dr, summerb0y
* Arabic translation by sub7ei
* Swedish language by Abhijit
* Traditional Chinese translation by Robert D. Wei
* Vietnamese translation by Duy Thang
* Urdu translation by Shoaib Mirza
* Danish translation: Lars S. Hansen
* Latvian translation by Linards Liepiņš (
* Russian translation by XRain -
* Lithuanian translation by Edmundas Ciucko
* Norwegian (Norsk bokmal) translation by Ole Christian Norum

Note: most features are for Gnome, but installing the applications should also work in KDE (as long as you have Zenity installed).


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Ubuntu Start

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0.4.x series is the current focus of development.

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