Registered by Ue-devel

Simple and graphical live Installer well integrated with Debian and Ubuntu based systems. It includes a fully branded and internationalized system which allows to derive it for local distros based on Debian and Ubuntu.

Live installers have featured itself until now by being very simple, friendly and graphical.

This Live Installer will be a simple one and well integrated with Debian and Ubuntu based systems.

Use Cases:
* An user takes Ubuntu, he likes it and wants to install, as is, in his computer.
* An user takes Ubuntu, he likes it, tests it, configures it and wants to have it installed, keeping the stored configuration, in his computer.
* An user has tried Ubuntu, he knows that likes it and wants to install it, but neither wants nor needs to launch the complete distro (Desktop and so on). He just wants a fast and simple way to install.
* An user has installed Ubuntu from Live version and wants to be able to have a configuration file with the chosen options, so in case he needs to reinstall or to install in a similar computer, just must get it.

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0.9 series is the current focus of development.

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