tripleo rocky-1

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Alex Schultz
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12 blueprints and 248 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Switch ceph-ansible to use external_deploy_tasks so that it's supported by config-download. Switch ceph-ansible to use external_deploy_tasks so that it's supported by config-download. 4 High Giulio Fidente  11 Implemented
Add support for SSL/TLS with OpenDaylight Add support for SSL/TLS with OpenDaylight 3 Medium Tim Rozet  11 Implemented
Allows setting custom names for the Ceph cluster Allows setting custom names for the Ceph cluster 3 Medium Giulio Fidente  11 Implemented
Deploy nfs-ganesha Deploy nfs-ganesha 3 Medium Tom Barron  11 Implemented
Enable deployment of TripleO onto a routed network with multiple subnets for overcloud nodes. Enable deployment of TripleO onto a routed network with multiple subnets for overcloud nodes. 3 Medium Dan Sneddon  11 Implemented
Heat template for integrating Cavium SmartNIC LiquidIO with networking-ovn. Heat template for integrating Cavium SmartNIC LiquidIO with networking-ovn. 3 Medium hanish  11 Implemented
List available deployment roles List available deployment roles 3 Medium Julie Pichon  11 Implemented
List deployment plan roles List deployment plan roles 3 Medium Julie Pichon  11 Implemented
Modify TripleO Ironic Inspector to PXE Boot Via DHCP Relay Modify TripleO Ironic Inspector to PXE Boot Via DHCP Relay 3 Medium Harald Jensås  11 Implemented
RHSM integration via Ansible RHSM integration via Ansible 3 Medium Emilien Macchi  11 Implemented
Roles CRUD for UI Roles CRUD for UI 3 Medium Jiri Tomasek  11 Implemented
[TripleO UI] Remove role [TripleO UI] Remove role 3 Medium Jiri Tomasek  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1752910 #1752910 Ceph-Ansible should use the same default storage as puppet-ceph 4 Medium John Fulton  2 Opinion
1755902 #1755902 Only db_sync gnocchi on the bootstrap host 2 Critical Dan Prince  3 Invalid
1764134 #1764134 containerized undercloud install failing w/ 2018-04-15 05:50:21 | 2018-04-15 05:50:06Z [undercloud.UndercloudServiceChain.ServiceChain]: CREATE_FAILED StackValidationFailed: resources.ServiceChain: Property error: resources[61].properties: Property DockerHAProxyConfigImage not assigned 2 Critical   3 Invalid
1649350 #1649350 Introspection fails with 'mistral engine error' on Ocata if an 'ironic node-update' is done before introspection runs 3 High Adriano Petrich  3 Invalid
1731413 #1731413 mistral db-sync error when upgrading undercloud from newton to ocata 3 High Adriano Petrich  3 Invalid
1741979 #1741979 quickstart, full-ci-check is not triggering a full run in ci.centos 3 High Gabriele Cerami  3 Invalid
1748948 #1748948 containerized undercloud install does not create a stackrc file 3 High   3 Invalid
1749607 #1749607 RFE: setup both undercloud and overcloud containers with one role 3 High Emilien Macchi  3 Invalid
1751284 #1751284 Writing files uses unsafe patterns in the tripleo client 3 High Radoslaw Smigielski  3 Invalid
1752189 #1752189 3node job ocassionally fails on a WebSocket timeout 3 High   3 Invalid
1753488 #1753488 Keepalived container image is missing for Queens promotion registry 3 High   3 Invalid
1753819 #1753819 ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch failing due to missing common dir 3 High   3 Invalid
1756762 #1756762 Remove support for the deployment of Ceph via puppet-ceph 3 High   3 Invalid
1757544 #1757544 image building dib changes in queens need review to ensure nothing else was lost 3 High   3 Invalid
1759317 #1759317 Undercloud install fails with SSL and proxy 3 High   3 Invalid
1716727 #1716727 Put copy of ceph docker image on mirror to improve CI 4 Medium John Fulton  3 Invalid
1745906 #1745906 Failed on Get DLRN hash - roles/repo-setup/tasks/get-dlrn-hash.yml:18 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1747043 #1747043 gate ocata/queens: Error in build_rpm_wrapper for openstack-tripleo-heat-templates 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1749459 #1749459 config-download: --start-at-task doesn't work with tasks with variables in the names 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1751815 #1751815 undercloud.conf requires a [ctplane-subnet] section 4 Medium Ben Nemec  3 Invalid
1752900 #1752900 dlrnapi promoter script autopromotes (blindly) when there are no promotion criteria 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1758906 #1758906 overcloud image upload to always hard link --http-boot contents to /var/lib/ironic/httpboot 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1759235 #1759235 duplicated definition for Keystone_user[swift] 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1696450 #1696450 [oooq] Support for liberty is broken. 5 Low Matt Young  3 Invalid
1741236 #1741236 Tripleo-quickstart jobs are timing out in both run and collect logs 5 Low Gabriele Cerami  3 Invalid
1758069 #1758069 major upgrade: unstopped containers cannot be managed after docker update 1 Undecided Damien Ciabrini  3 Invalid
1755766 #1755766 dlrn baseurl might be badly evaluated from the dlrn_hash_path fact when reusing dirty working_dir 3 High   4 Won't Fix
1666268 #1666268 Remove python-tripleoclient dependency on tripleo-common 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1752896 #1752896 novncproxy in Newton uses outdated novnc 0.5 which breaks Nova noVNC consoles 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1645711 #1645711 Rename the validations ssh keys environment 5 Low Brad P. Crochet  4 Won't Fix
1699467 #1699467 Manually stopping services is prune to errors. 5 Low Carlos Camacho  4 Won't Fix
1753007 #1753007 Icon for configuring role parameter should be a pencil 5 Low Liz Blanchard  4 Won't Fix
1735171 #1735171 P->O upgrade fails on Property error: Property LibvirtTLSPassword not assigned 2 Critical Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1741544 #1741544 Containerized deployment docs not working 2 Critical Steve Baker  10 Fix Released
1745997 #1745997 Updating overcloud stack fails when there are no extra free nodes 2 Critical Jiří Stránský  10 Fix Released
1749105 #1749105 OVB ocata jobs fail because of wrong command overcloud container image prepare 2 Critical Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman  10 Fix Released
1750828 #1750828 Invalid role template generated for Ceph and BlockStorage roles 2 Critical Jiří Stránský  10 Fix Released
1751056 #1751056 telemetry_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_telemetry_integration is failing on featureset 017 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1752420 #1752420 fs017: failure to delete IP causing tempest failures 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1752441 #1752441 featureset022 on stable/pike fails on ping test (iptables restart unloads OVS kernel module) 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1752874 #1752874 "Get dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving" while Trying to pull repository 2 Critical John Trowbridge  10 Fix Released
1753580 #1753580 rdo2: newton, cache image script is looking in the wrong place. 2 Critical Matt Young  10 Fix Released
1753777 #1753777 pike current-tripleo containers missing from RDO registry 2 Critical John Trowbridge  10 Fix Released
1754036 #1754036 fs020, tempest, image corrupted after upload to glance (checksum mismatch) 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1754363 #1754363 TLS everywhere: Compute nodes request neutron cert and fail 2 Critical Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1754607 #1754607 CVE-2018-1000115 memcached: UDP server support allows spoofed traffic amplification DoS 2 Critical Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1754669 #1754669 different rpm packages install are failing 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1754755 #1754755 RDO CI jobs queued because instances are not spawning in RDO Cloud 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1755168 #1755168 Error: Package: openstack-heat-agents-1.5.4-0.20180301153730.ecf43c7.el7.centos.noarch fails to install 2 Critical John Trowbridge  10 Fix Released
1755180 #1755180 Zaqar services don't configure firewall rules 2 Critical Dan Prince  10 Fix Released
1755211 #1755211 puppet-tripleo unit tests broken due to changes in puppet-systemd 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1755670 #1755670 rdo2: bare metal jobs are failing due to TQE configuration mismatch (overcloud_nodes) 2 Critical Matt Young  10 Fix Released
1755834 #1755834 promote featureset020 failing random temptest tests 2 Critical John Trowbridge  10 Fix Released
1755865 #1755865 rdo2: BMU job(s) failing on installation of missing package (ceph-ansible) 2 Critical Raoul Scarazzini  10 Fix Released
1756892 #1756892 dlrnapi promoter: promotion of older link > newer link 2 Critical Matt Young  10 Fix Released
1756936 #1756936 rdo jobs ignore depends-on tripleo-common 2 Critical Quique Llorente  10 Fix Released
1757005 #1757005 containers build job fails due to jinja evaluation of test_ping|bool 2 Critical wes hayutin  10 Fix Released
1757111 #1757111 fs020(both queens/master) tempest tests failing while booting an instance 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1757174 #1757174 tripleo-buildimage-overcloud-full-centos-7 failing with diskimage_builder.element_dependencies.MissingElementException: Element 'size=4096'' not found 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1757214 #1757214 dlrnapi promoter script failing "ERROR promoter global name 'config_file' is not defined" 2 Critical John Trowbridge  10 Fix Released
1757474 #1757474 periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset027-master fails with undefined groups.overcloud 2 Critical Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1758180 #1758180 reproducer for 3node incorrectly overrides the role configuration 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1759845 #1759845 Updates/upgrades only work on deployed-server 2 Critical Jiří Stránský  10 Fix Released
1759868 #1759868 ovb 3ctlr 1comp pike repo dependency errors 2 Critical wes hayutin  10 Fix Released
1760189 #1760189 ovb 1ctrl 1comp fs022 pike: neutron/nova AMQP MessagingTimeout 2 Critical Gabriele Cerami  10 Fix Released
1760935 #1760935 scenario001/004 ceph-ansible fails to communicate with node 2 Critical Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1761171 #1761171 scn0001 multinode container: mistralclient api authorization failed 2 Critical Jose Luis Franco  10 Fix Released
1762906 #1762906 tripleo periodic jobs are using incorrect registry namespace 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1762991 #1762991 can't update openstack database passwords 2 Critical Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1763695 #1763695 Cannot resolve at periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-singlenode-featureset027-master 2 Critical Gabriele Cerami  10 Fix Released
1764598 #1764598 heat fails to auth against keystone 2 Critical Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1764870 #1764870 Missing tags in dockerhub, impossible to deploy a containerized undercloud 2 Critical Gabriele Cerami  10 Fix Released
1672356 #1672356 Wrong variable specified for rabbitmq haproxy configuration 3 High Michele Baldessari  10 Fix Released
1701532 #1701532 Include docker.yaml and docker-ha.yaml environment files by default 3 High Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1723095 #1723095 containerised overcloud deploy is failing on rabbitmq container configuration when run for the second time 3 High   10 Fix Released
1725000 #1725000 tracker - pulling containers failed from rdo registry 3 High wes hayutin  10 Fix Released
1731924 #1731924 Execute destroy-patch-ports before running ovs-agent in container 3 High Dan Prince  10 Fix Released
1735702 #1735702 O->P fails during docker upgrade on docker/services/pacemaker/mysql. 3 High Sergii Golovatiuk  10 Fix Released
1735715 #1735715 O->M upgrade fails during validation, not authorised error when creating image. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1742924 #1742924 Testing ffu upgrade in a mixed version env fails. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1743377 #1743377 Newton -> Queens FFU upgrade: openstack overcloud config download fails with: Deployment NetworkDeployment with group:os-apply-config not supported with config-download 3 High James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1744151 #1744151 barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_volume_encryption.VolumeEncryptionTest fails on Invalid Volume 3 High Arx Cruz  10 Fix Released
1745712 #1745712 master: etc/pki/tls/certs/undercloud-]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': comparison of Array with Array failed 3 High   10 Fix Released
1746336 #1746336 config-download: support SshKnownHosts deployment 3 High James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1746493 #1746493 [pike->queens] (OS::TripleO::Services::FluentdClient) could not be found. 3 High Jose Luis Franco  10 Fix Released
1747700 #1747700 ODL SSL/TLS docker deployments fail 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1747960 #1747960 Persistent IPtables rules should not include Neutron-managed rules 3 High Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1748219 #1748219 keystone integration with LDAP broken in containerized deployment, manually keystone restart needed 3 High Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1749426 #1749426 Node delete is broken 3 High Brad P. Crochet  10 Fix Released
1749462 #1749462 is run on stable/newton jobs 3 High   10 Fix Released
1749636 #1749636 Overcloud node delete is broken after upgrade to Newton 3 High Rabi Mishra  10 Fix Released
1751262 #1751262 tripleo-ipsec: Uninstall option doesn't delete the resource agents 3 High Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1751711 #1751711 DPDK: Validate if creation of vhost_sockets directory is still required in nova-libvirt 3 High Saravanan KR  10 Fix Released
1751857 #1751857 Docker healthcheck fails for OpenDaylight due to missing features loaded in ODL 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1751928 #1751928 OpenDaylight healthcheck is broken due to jetty config changes 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1751934 #1751934 Container Undercloud - UndercloudAllNodesValidationDeployment: No module named ipaddr 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1752036 #1752036 overcloud deploy fails if any container image pull fails 3 High Steve Baker  10 Fix Released
1752252 #1752252 failed-tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container 3 High yatin  10 Fix Released
1752808 #1752808 Could not fetch contents for file:///tmp/tripleoclient-7yIBX5/tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/single-nic-vlans/compute.yaml 3 High Jiří Stránský  10 Fix Released
1752852 #1752852 known secure registries still get insecure detection 3 High Steve Baker  10 Fix Released
1752893 #1752893 Stack update is not working when using derived parameters 3 High Alan Bishop  10 Fix Released
1752947 #1752947 when using a non-default environment or user the tripleo-ui tunnel does not start 3 High wes hayutin  10 Fix Released
1753063 #1753063 Passwords are re-generated when upgrading to a containerized undercloud 3 High Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1753370 #1753370 tempest.api.volume.test_volumes_snapshots.VolumesSnapshotTestJSON.test_snapshot_create_offline_delete_online , instance missing port security 3 High chandan kumar  10 Fix Released
1753728 #1753728 Fencing configuration generator fails deployment if action parameter is used 3 High Chris Jones  10 Fix Released
1753771 #1753771 Cleanup and provisioning networks misconfigured for containerized Ironic conductor (undercloud) 3 High Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1753948 #1753948 local CA is not updated if the cert expires 3 High Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1754061 #1754061 zaqar returns 503 causing overcloud deployment failure 3 High Thomas Herve  10 Fix Released
1754098 #1754098 Modal footer not showing in Firefox 3 High Jiri Tomasek  10 Fix Released
1754280 #1754280 OVB job fs001 does not produce undercloud install logs and reproduce script 3 High John Trowbridge  10 Fix Released
1754426 #1754426 os-collect-config running on the undercloud breaks overcloud deployments 3 High Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1754481 #1754481 ConfigDebug is always translated as true by ansible 3 High Dan Prince  10 Fix Released
1754546 #1754546 DPDK: Deployment failing with ComputeOvsDpdk role when no deprecated parameters present 3 High Saravanan KR  10 Fix Released
1754609 #1754609 Openstack node provide fails for containerized undercloud 3 High Adriano Petrich  10 Fix Released
1754679 #1754679 Duplicate declaration: Keepalived::Instance[55] 3 High waleed mousa  10 Fix Released
1755273 #1755273 tacker service is missing firewall rules 3 High Dan Prince  10 Fix Released
1755504 #1755504 Configure firewall rules for Congress 3 High Dan Prince  10 Fix Released
1755525 #1755525 --config-download doesn't work with non-default --stack name 3 High Steven Hardy  10 Fix Released
1755539 #1755539 ceph-ansible workflow fails on collect_nodes_uuid 3 High Giulio Fidente  10 Fix Released
1755541 #1755541 [ui] nova endpoint missing from appConfig 3 High Jiri Tomasek  10 Fix Released
1755542 #1755542 DeploymentSuccess fails to render 3 High Jiri Tomasek  10 Fix Released
1755560 #1755560 Nova is missing in list of httpd proxy endpoints 3 High Julie Pichon  10 Fix Released
1755711 #1755711 Cannot customize haproxy options on a per-service basis 3 High Michele Baldessari  10 Fix Released
1755837 #1755837 deployed server newton upgrade compat layer is not working. 3 High Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1755916 #1755916 OpenDaylight Container fails to start due to volume mounting destroying ODL etc config dir 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1756075 #1756075 Triple-O undercloud PXE filtering is not filtering nodes on remote l2-segments 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1756224 #1756224 Container Undercloud - always deploys with /24 network mask 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1756543 #1756543 undercloud-containers: UI is missing cors rules for nova, ironic-inspector 3 High Dan Prince  10 Fix Released
1756890 #1756890 puppet-openstack-unit-4.8-centos-7 fail on stable/queens: Resource type not found: Stdlib::Fqdn 3 High Michele Baldessari  10 Fix Released
1756935 #1756935 quickstart doesn't setup vbmc if you don't let it configure the undercloud 3 High wes hayutin  10 Fix Released
1757090 #1757090 Minor updates don't work with deployed server 3 High Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1757134 #1757134 Tempest tests are failing in fs30(both master/queens) promotion job while doing SSH to VM 3 High yatin  10 Fix Released
1757135 #1757135 ODL with TLS fails to create certificate/key on host due to no 'odl' user 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1757187 #1757187 openstack endpoints validation fails with keystone api v2 3 High Florian Fuchs  10 Fix Released
1757418 #1757418 instack-undercloud - route to metadata is not set correctly for local_subnet 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1757947 #1757947 Add missing role_data attributes to neutron-ovs-dpdk-agent docker service 3 High Saravanan KR  10 Fix Released
1757969 #1757969 [CI ocata->pike] Undefined variable 'deploy_config_name' 3 High Jose Luis Franco  10 Fix Released
1757984 #1757984 tripleoclient shouldn't delete the tripeo queue 3 High Dougal Matthews  10 Fix Released
1757985 #1757985 FFU upgrade failed ffu_upgrade_steps_playbook on fluentd upgrade. 3 High Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1758014 #1758014 Upgrading to tht with removed old update logic is broken 3 High Jiří Stránský  10 Fix Released
1758161 #1758161 empty /etc/os-net-config/config.json is causing network disruptions 3 High Bob Fournier  10 Fix Released
1758455 #1758455 undercloud - containers CI job does not load neutron service plugins 3 High Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1759049 #1759049 Neutron DHCP agent unable to read TLS key/certificate due to neutron UID mismatch 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1759060 #1759060 gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-upgrades-pike-nv fails - No such file or directory /home/jenkins/ 3 High Jose Luis Franco  10 Fix Released
1759296 #1759296 Fails to get dpdk feature enabled status for dpdk role. 3 High Jaganathan Palanisamy  10 Fix Released
1759426 #1759426 container-to-container-upgrades-master (fs040) requires a definition for 'overcloud_templates_path' 3 High Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1759581 #1759581 no longer works with roles with a count greater than 1 3 High James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1759583 #1759583 UnexpectedResponseCode: Unexpected response code received from api.compute tempest tests 3 High Arx Cruz  10 Fix Released
1759797 #1759797 Enabling SSL on overcloud endpoints fails on containerized overcloud 3 High Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1760135 #1760135 FFU upgrade failure on panko db sync. 3 High Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1760898 #1760898 Deploy step no-op remains in plan env after minor update 3 High Jiří Stránský  10 Fix Released
1760917 #1760917 dstat on overcloud causes issues 3 High Rafael Folco  10 Fix Released
1762455 #1762455 Make setting for ulimit configurable via THT parameter 3 High yatin  10 Fix Released
1762473 #1762473 OpenDaylight OvsVhostuserMode is backwards 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1762495 #1762495 OpenDaylight OVS HostAllowedNetworkTypes missing flat network 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1762504 #1762504 neutron-plugin-ml2 isn't containerized on compute nodes 3 High Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1763586 #1763586 VIP managed by pacemaker should have inifinity resource-stickiness 3 High Michele Baldessari  10 Fix Released
1764315 #1764315 Hiera interpolation requires validation rules in tht 3 High Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1764454 #1764454 Tripleo-upgrade role is not complying with lint specifications 3 High Sofer Athlan-Guyot  10 Fix Released
1764514 #1764514 haproxy containers stopped on two controllers on fresh deployment with OpenDaylight 3 High Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1764731 #1764731 haproxy for swift doesn't provide httplog as well as X-Forwarded-Proto 3 High Sergii Golovatiuk  10 Fix Released
1646451 #1646451 Undercloud has no swift logs 4 Medium David Peacock  10 Fix Released
1656544 #1656544 wrong requirements 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1667776 #1667776 Import hangs on wrong IPMI credentials 4 Medium Dmitry Tantsur  10 Fix Released
1669606 #1669606 undercloud should not have debug on by default 4 Medium Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1685089 #1685089 "Save And Close" button is unlocalized 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1700943 #1700943 instack-haproxy-cert-update loop 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1712280 #1712280 Any error in heat output persist and prevent the use/update of the overcloud. 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1727501 #1727501 Hover state on the username in the enterprise navigation not needed 4 Medium Liz Blanchard  10 Fix Released
1731969 #1731969 Inconsistent log paths for pacemakerized containers of mysql and redis 4 Medium Damien Ciabrini  10 Fix Released
1731972 #1731972 [RFE] Allow user to see version information from UI 4 Medium Honza Pokorny  10 Fix Released
1734185 #1734185 notification_format in nova.conf should be "unversioned" 4 Medium Oliver Walsh  10 Fix Released
1734783 #1734783 os-collect-config does not automatically start on boot when using split stack (ocata only) 4 Medium Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1737041 #1737041 NIC config templates should be rendered to support composable networks 4 Medium Dan Sneddon  10 Fix Released
1739419 #1739419 tempestmail unittest test_get_console error 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1739420 #1739420 tempestmail unittest missing console files 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1739428 #1739428 Quickstart UI validation step fails 4 Medium David Peacock  10 Fix Released
1740456 #1740456 Provide alternatives to add NetApp configuration for glance in heat templates. 4 Medium Pranali Deore  10 Fix Released
1741126 #1741126 quickstart remove the listing of the tempest plugins to save time 4 Medium Arx Cruz  10 Fix Released
1744174 #1744174 NFS backup driver 4 Medium Marc Methot  10 Fix Released
1745448 #1745448 puppet-tripleo interface names should be downcase for lookupvar 4 Medium Dan Radez  10 Fix Released
1746034 #1746034 RabbitMQ user name not set in Neutron transport_url 4 Medium Matt Wisch  10 Fix Released
1746727 #1746727 overcloud images can't be deployed to 4k disks 4 Medium Derek Higgins  10 Fix Released
1746858 #1746858 mistral's missing logrotate configuration 4 Medium Jill Rouleau  10 Fix Released
1746952 #1746952 logging: wrong fluentd configuration when service_configuration is used 4 Medium Juan Badia Payno  10 Fix Released
1748973 #1748973 config-download: Name deployments under /var/lib/heat-config/tripleo-config-download uniquely with uuid 4 Medium Sam Doran  10 Fix Released
1749683 #1749683 Undercloud install with heat should deploy rendered templates into a working dir 4 Medium Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1749784 #1749784 config-download: use RoleData from downloaded files and not inventory values 4 Medium James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1749823 #1749823 config-download data isn't exported in /var/lib/mistral when undercloud is containerized 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1750028 #1750028 Enable Neutron LBaaS for Ocata and Newton 4 Medium Sai Ram Peesapati  10 Fix Released
1750338 #1750338 script does not support alternative plan names 4 Medium Carlos Camacho  10 Fix Released
1750369 #1750369 Modify network file for ComputeLiquidio role 4 Medium hanish  10 Fix Released
1750438 #1750438 config-download: better check mode support for server deployments 4 Medium Jill Rouleau  10 Fix Released
1750821 #1750821 Use Nova flavor profiles when tagging nodes 4 Medium Jiri Tomasek  10 Fix Released
1751340 #1751340 tripleo-ansible-inventory won't show a traceback during exception handling 4 Medium Jill Rouleau  10 Fix Released
1751855 #1751855 tripleo-ansible-inventory: alias --static-inventory to --static-yaml-inventory 4 Medium Jill Rouleau  10 Fix Released
1752057 #1752057 tripleo-ansible-inventory should have an option to use hostnames instead of just ip addresses 4 Medium James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1752118 #1752118 openstack overcloud config download support for a fixed directory 4 Medium Jill Rouleau  10 Fix Released
1752272 #1752272 tripleo client heat templates processor might substitute wrong values for rewritten paths 4 Medium Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1752467 #1752467 Request limit exceeded: JSON body size (2299844 bytes) exceeds maximum allowed size (2097152 bytes). 4 Medium Radoslaw Smigielski  10 Fix Released
1753247 #1753247 undercloud database for neutron needs to be migrated to ovs_neutron 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1753596 #1753596 Need to configure backend_host (not host) for cinder-volume HA 4 Medium Alan Bishop  10 Fix Released
1753749 #1753749 remove ceilometer-expirer cron tab 4 Medium Pradeep Kilambi  10 Fix Released
1753822 #1753822 remove default values for PcsdPassword and PacemakerRemoteAuthkey 4 Medium James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1754323 #1754323 Overcloud deployemnt fails on DPDK network in a containerized deployment 4 Medium Moshe Levi  10 Fix Released
1754368 #1754368 Fedramp requires cloud providers to use TLS v1.1 as a minimum 4 Medium Juan Antonio Osorio Robles  10 Fix Released
1754658 #1754658 remove ownership change of ironic-dbsync.log during upgrade 4 Medium Radoslaw Smigielski  10 Fix Released
1754683 #1754683 IPv6 undercloud: ctlplane router creation fails 4 Medium Derek Higgins  10 Fix Released
1755078 #1755078 config-download: missing deployment_name in group_vars for ExtraConfigPost, PreConfig, PostConfig 4 Medium Mike Fedosin  10 Fix Released
1755478 #1755478 rdo2: all BM jobs are not able to be hand edited, JJB contains deprecated element 4 Medium Matt Young  10 Fix Released
1755537 #1755537 remove workaround for tuskar* packages from the upgrade logic 4 Medium Radoslaw Smigielski  10 Fix Released
1756037 #1756037 [ocata->pike] Upgrades CI job failing due to: /home/jenkins/ No such file or directory 4 Medium Jose Luis Franco  10 Fix Released
1756145 #1756145 After successful deployment, "Overcloud" term is used and should be made more generic 4 Medium Liz Blanchard  10 Fix Released
1756183 #1756183 Masquerade networks in CI moving to quickstart 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1756855 #1756855 Introspection reports success even if no nodes were introspected 4 Medium Dmitry Tantsur  10 Fix Released
1756878 #1756878 Problem deploying single-nic-vlans custom external net range via Quickstart 4 Medium Jiří Stránský  10 Fix Released
1756921 #1756921 config-download: Server deployments should be rerun without having to specify force=true if they previously failed 4 Medium James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1757066 #1757066 Hieradata is not populate correctly with the parameters under service_config_settings 4 Medium Juan Badia Payno  10 Fix Released
1757108 #1757108 Edit Configuration button spacing is inconsistent 4 Medium Jiri Tomasek  10 Fix Released
1757230 #1757230 missing unit tests 4 Medium Jill Rouleau  10 Fix Released
1757382 #1757382 Remove the bonding options constraint for lacp in nic config templates 4 Medium Saravanan KR  10 Fix Released
1757409 #1757409 MySQL Files Limit validation uses wrong config file path 4 Medium Florian Fuchs  10 Fix Released
1758343 #1758343 {{}}ExtraConfig not honored when using deprecated keys in roles_data 4 Medium Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1758880 #1758880 [CI updates] check_and_fail parameter not found in pacemaker_cluster ansible module 4 Medium Jose Luis Franco  10 Fix Released
1759311 #1759311 swift_ring_rebalance playbook fails due to missing permissions 4 Medium Christian Schwede  10 Fix Released
1759690 #1759690 nova metadata and panko haproxy configs do not properly specify http mode 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1760211 #1760211 masquerading rules format isn't correct for hiera 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1760544 #1760544 Missing Liquidio Service definition in overcloud puppet registry file 4 Medium hanish  10 Fix Released
1760990 #1760990 config-download: don't use vars in tripleo_common/templates/deployments.yaml 4 Medium James Slagle  10 Fix Released
1761232 #1761232 mistral action is passing env variables without casting them to string 4 Medium Giulio Fidente  10 Fix Released
1761484 #1761484 Network enable check is missing in multi-nic role rendering file 4 Medium hanish  10 Fix Released
1761531 #1761531 Docker ceph_external service has incorrect service_name 4 Medium Tim Rozet  10 Fix Released
1761542 #1761542 python-tripleoclient undercloud.conf.sample permissions are too tight 4 Medium Emilien Macchi  10 Fix Released
1761749 #1761749 Incorrect default value in Cinder db purge cron config 4 Medium Alan Bishop  10 Fix Released
1762460 #1762460 hieradata prepends an invalid comment to UUID when SMBIOS is newer then dmidecode supports 4 Medium Alex Schultz  10 Fix Released
1762475 #1762475 Docker debug puppet augeas fails to apply 4 Medium Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1763044 #1763044 OVN Metadata service missing in DVR based environment files 4 Medium Daniel Alvarez  10 Fix Released
1764741 #1764741 tht YAML validation may pass a full run and fail a targeted check 4 Medium Bogdan Dobrelya  10 Fix Released
1722633 #1722633 Puppet Duplicate declaration error when role is composed with both Ceph OSDs and Mons 5 Low Lucas hua  10 Fix Released
1748137 #1748137 radosgw should only be checking revocation lists for PKI tokens 5 Low Giulio Fidente  10 Fix Released
1752076 #1752076 default ceph repo installed for pike should be jewel 5 Low John Fulton  10 Fix Released
1752913 #1752913 Ceph-ansible (docker) service should not require ExtraConfig for FQDN 5 Low Giulio Fidente  10 Fix Released
1753530 #1753530 Unneeded icons on buttons should be removed 5 Low Liz Blanchard  10 Fix Released
1756225 #1756225 _validate_no_ip_change() - error message contain wrong data 5 Low Harald Jensås  10 Fix Released
1757014 #1757014 Manage Roles link should be in a button and inline with other actions on steps 5 Low Liz Blanchard  10 Fix Released
1757387 #1757387 instack-undercloud should not provide a queue name when creating the default plan 5 Low Dougal Matthews  10 Fix Released
1760617 #1760617 ceph not exposing asok files via /var/run therefor collectd won't be able to load ceph plugin 5 Low Pradeep Kilambi  10 Fix Released
1753474 #1753474 GUI state is not updated in case when zaqar message does not arrive 1 Undecided Jiri Tomasek  10 Fix Released
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