Registered by James Westby

A buildout recipe to generate testr scripts.

testr recipe

This allows you to easily add a testrepository script to your buildout
project. This really only means that the user doesn't have to have
testr on their path, and they can just use ./bin/test or simlar.

This works very similarly to zc.recipe.testrunner, and in fact borrows
most of its code from there.

A sample buildout configuration would be::

develop = .
parts = test

recipe = testr_recipe
script = test

which will have ./bin/test run using the .testr.conf in your root

These are the options you can use:

  • script: define the name of the script to create, if not passed
    then the name of the section will be used.
  • working-directory: if somewhere other than the root of the project
    should be used.
  • environment: the name of a section containing pairs of values to
    put in the environment for the test run, e.g.


    recipe = testr_recipe
    enironment = testenv

    foo = bar
    zap = zang

  • initialization: a string containing python code to put in the test
    script before testr is run.

  • executable: the python executable to put in the #! of the script.
  • defaults: a list of options to prepend sys.argv for testr.
    These are specified as Python source for an expression yielding a list,
    typically a list literal. One thing you can do with this is::

    parts = test testr

    recipe = testr_recipe

    recipe = testr_recipe
    defaults = ["run"]

    which will make ./bin/test run the tests, and allow you to use
    ./bin/testr to access all the features of testr.

Future enhancments:

  • Maybe automatically doing "testr init" when setting up the project, so that
    ./bin/test works straight away.
  • Automatically generate a .testr.conf using standard mechanisms.

Project information

James Westby
Not yet selected
Zope Public Licence

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Latest version is 0.2

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