tempest havana-2
Milestone information
- Project:
- tempest
- Series:
- havana
- Version:
- havana-2
- Released:
- Registrant:
- Matthew Treinish
- Release registered:
- Active:
- No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.
- Assigned to you:
- No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
- Assignees:
- 1 Steve Baker, 1 Adalberto Medeiros, 10 Bageshree, 1 Gavin B, 1 Giampaolo Lauria, 6 Giulio Fidente, 1 Harika Vakadi, 1 Ian Wienand, 1 Kavan Patil, 1 Marc Koderer, 1 Masayuki Igawa, 1 Matt Riedemann, 1 Matthew Treinish, 1 Rajalakshmi Ganesan, 3 Ravikumar Venkatesan, 2 Sean Dague, 1 Tony Yang
- Blueprints:
- 1 Unknown, 9 Started, 15 Implemented
- Bugs:
- 11 Fix Released
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Release notes
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25 blueprints and 11 bugs targeted
Blueprint | Priority | Assignee | Delivery | |
Add a number of basic tests for Heat | Add a number of basic tests for Heat | 4 High | Steve Baker | 11 Implemented |
Simplify stress tests and make them run | Simplify stress tests and make them run | 4 High | Marc Koderer | 11 Implemented |
upgrade testing as part of the gate | upgrade testing as part of the gate | 4 High | Adalberto Medeiros | 11 Implemented |
Add Glance v1.0 REST API Tests | Add Glance v1.0 REST API Tests | 3 Medium | Kavan Patil | 11 Implemented |
Add Policy tests to tempest for Keystone V3 | Add Policy tests to tempest for Keystone V3 | 3 Medium | Ravikumar Venkatesan | 11 Implemented |
Add Tempest tests to check for correct reaction to basic quota limits in quantum | Add Tempest tests to check for correct reaction to basic quota limits in quantum | 3 Medium | Gavin B | 11 Implemented |
Add Tokens tests to tempest for Keystone | Add Tokens tests to tempest for Keystone | 3 Medium | Ravikumar Venkatesan | 11 Implemented |
Add cinder functional tests for verifying grizzly implementation | Add cinder functional tests for verifying grizzly implementation | 3 Medium | Rajalakshmi Ganesan | 11 Implemented |
Add list and update service tests to tempest | Add list and update service tests to tempest | 3 Medium | Ravikumar Venkatesan | 11 Implemented |
Add tests for volume snapshots | Add tests for volume snapshots | 3 Medium | Giulio Fidente | 11 Implemented |
Adding tests for os-hypervisors API extension of Nova | Adding tests for os-hypervisors API extension of Nova | 3 Medium | Tony Yang | 11 Implemented |
Keystone API v3.0 Tempest tests - Domain | Keystone API v3.0 Tempest tests - Domain | 3 Medium | Harika Vakadi | 11 Implemented |
Tempest test to check all the create, delete, update and list opeations for a port using Quantum API v2.0 | Tempest test to check all the create, delete, update and list opeations for a port using Quantum ... | 3 Medium | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Tempest test to list all the details of subnet using Quantum API V2.0 | Tempest test to list all the details of subnet using Quantum API V2.0 | 3 Medium | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Tempest test to list all the subnets using quantum API | Tempest test to list all the subnets using quantum API | 3 Medium | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Test to create bulk network using quantum API | Test to create bulk network using quantum API | 3 Medium | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Update Quantum Network Tempest Test | Update Quantum Network Tempest Test | 3 Medium | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Restore periodic tests for all of tempest | Restore periodic tests for all of tempest | 1 Undefined | Giampaolo Lauria | 11 Implemented |
Set smoke/gate attributes where needed | Set smoke/gate attributes where needed | 1 Undefined | Giulio Fidente | 11 Implemented |
Add tests for instance snapshot scenario | Add tests for instance snapshot scenario | 1 Undefined | Masayuki Igawa | 11 Implemented |
Test to check all the Quantum Router API operations | Test to check all the Quantum Router API operations | 1 Undefined | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Tempest test to check the user flow for create network and associate VM objects | Tempest test to check the user flow for create network and associate VM objects | 1 Undefined | Bageshree | 0 Unknown |
Test to check floating-ip API operations for L3 extensions | Test to check floating-ip API operations for L3 extensions | 1 Undefined | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Test to check the Quantum Quota extension operations | Test to check the Quantum Quota extension operations | 1 Undefined | Bageshree | 5 Started |
Test to retrieve Quantum extension | Test to retrieve Quantum extension | 1 Undefined | Bageshree | 5 Started |