Registered by Erik Lönroth

Supporter gives a desktop "end-user" a simple form to submit "support cases" to a "support backend system" that can help with whatever problem. It may be that you have a simple mail-box support or something more complex system, like ARS, IRC or RT. Supporter will dispatch the support case to your "real" backend. A nice little "Gnome-applet" gives the end-user a warm fuzzy feeling to the whole process.

Currently the "supporter" project is on a very much beta phase, but should work on Ubuntu 8.04 and forward.

It currently consists of these components:

  • A web service interface (wsdl)
  • An implementation of a server that listens for support cases from clients. It can relatively easily be extended with more complicated backend dispatchers. It currently supports a SMTP backend dispatcher and a "std_out" backend for development, debugging.
  • A example client implementation for testing.
  • A gnome-applet that can be added to the Gnome Panel.

This project is in the startup phase, but should be complete enough to start test it out and start improving on it.

The priority in the nearest future is to provide packaging for Ubuntu (works in trunk), RedHat and SuSe to allow for more rapid development and testing. Also some better shape-up of the current code base.

My intention is to implement the "admin" interface for the supporter backend server (supporterd) pretty soon.

Project information

Erik Lönroth
Erik Lönroth
GNU GPL v3, Python Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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