Registered by Tong Sun

stterm - simple terminal emulator for X from

 st is a terminal emulator from the suckless project with a focus on
 simplicity, clarity and frugality. The project's philosophy is about
 keeping things simple, minimal and usable.
 st supports most VT10X escape sequences, serial lines, XIM, utmp via
 utmp(1), clipboard handling, mouse and keyboard shortcuts, UTF-8, wide
 characters, resize, 256 colors, true colors, antialiased fonts (using
 fontconfig), fallback fonts, and line drawing. It is called 'stterm' for
historical reasons.

This Debian package *does* provide a scrollback buffer,
and it supports color emoji.

For installation, check out

Project information

Tong Sun
Tong Sun
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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