Registered by Kirill Zaitsev

Delete Failed env behaviour View the Meeting Home Page

15:00 UTC on Tuesday, 2015-06-23
20:00 UTC on Friday, 2015-06-26

Meeting drivers

Each meeting has a person, or team, responsible for deciding which items are accepted for the agenda. This team is called the "meeting driver" and for Delete Failed env behaviour they are:

You should contact the meeting driver if you have any additional questions about the structure or agenda of the meeting.


Latest 5 additions to the meeting agenda

Delete FAILURE is a dangerous state of environment. Currently this means that some error occurred either during destroy() method of some classes deployed, or stack was not deleted correctly or the app for one of the packages in the env was deleted. In most of those cases this might leave environment and stack in in...

There are a total of 1 specifications on the meeting agenda. You can view the full current agenda here.


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