Registered by IAmACarpetLicker

The goal of this product is to produce a high quality soloution that enables Linux, and specifically Ubuntu, to perform what Mac OS X server does. The main goal is to produce a program and backend daemon that will match the functionality of Server Admin that is part of the server suite of OS X, and hopefully expand to match all of their software offering.

This project aims to create a server system using Ubuntu server that is as easy and useful to install, use and manage as Mac OS X server is. It should be useable enough to be deployed as a home server, but also scale to the advanced level where it can be used in an enterprise environment.
Anyone who is willing to help can get involved. The project will need development in seveal branches. These include:
Linux Daemon - The part that will control the underlying software and server.
Mac OS X Desktop Client
Linux Desktop Client
Windows Desktop Client

Please email: to get involved.

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