Vendor-facing API for registration of interop-compliance endpoints and credentials for on-demand testing.
Migrating to storyboard as it starts to be more feature complete.
Currently running at http://
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See initial requirments at https:/
wiki article about governance.
Use cases wiki..
Project information
- Licence:
- Apache Licence
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1954535: tempest.api.compute.servers.test_multiple_create.MultipleCreateTestJSON teardown bug
Reported -
Bug #1933631: Incorrect test case names are present in OpenStack with DNS guidelines
Reported -
Bug #1859633: refstack-client setup_env fails with setuptools 45.0.0
Reported -
Bug #1791017: refstack-client doesn't recognize primary credential properly when using 'project_name' to set project name
Reported -
Bug #1774101: setup_env failed on Debian8/9 with error "GnuTLS: Error in the pull function"
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Create an API to handle the upload and management of subunit data
Registered -
Tempest Configuration Script
Registered -
Subunit Data Upload for RefStack Test Results
Registered -
Update refstack documentation dynamically
Registered -
Refstack implementation for Defcore additional properties waiver