Registered by Sean McNamara

rbpitch is a plugin for Rhythmbox that allows you to change the pitch, tempo, and speed of the music playback. Ubuntu 16.04 is the latest supported release of Ubuntu that will work with rbpitch, and many versions later than 12.04 but earlier than 16.04 will not work.

rbpitch is a plugin for Rhythmbox that lets you change the pitch, tempo, and speed in real-time while playing a song. The main features of rbpitch include:

Change the pitch and tempo of your music independently of each other.
Change the "speed", which is pitch+tempo scaled together without aliasing.
Remember pitch and tempo settings between launches.
Easy to use GUI, integrated into the Rhythmbox shell.

There are other programs similar to rbpitch. rbpitch closely resembles:
PaceMaker: (closed source, Windows only)
J. River Media Jukebox contains similar functionality (closed source, Windows only)
foo_dsp_soundtouch for Foobar2000 (closed source, Windows only)
scaletempo for Rhythmbox: (open source, cross platform)

Here are some possible uses of rbpitch, borrowed from by Olli Parviainen (with permission):
Slower music tempo eases practicing music
Change the music key to match the singer's voice (karaoke, singing practice)
Dancers can change the music tempo suitable for dancing
Adjust music key instead of retuning instrument for each song
Listen 78 RPM vinyl singles with a usual 33/45 RPM disc player
Transcribe tunes
*Write down dictations


==== FOR UBUNTU 16.04, 11.10, 12.04, and 12.10 ====

Use the PPA Archive, to download and install the package "rbpitch". If you don't know how to install from a PPA, it's basically these three steps:

  1. In the terminal, enter "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:smcnam/rbpitch-release" (no quotes).

  2. As root, run "apt-get update"

  3. As root, run "apt-get install rbpitch"

==== FOR UBUNTU 10.10 AND 11.04 ====

  1. Look to the right of this page. You will see download links for .deb files, such as "rbpitch_0.13.1-1_amd64.deb".
  2. If you have a 32-bit install of Ubuntu 10.10, grab "rbpitch_0.13.1-1_i386.deb".
  3. If you have a 64-bit install of Ubuntu 10.10, grab "rbpitch_0.13.1-1_amd64.deb".
  4. If you have a 32-bit install of Ubuntu 11.04, grab "rbpitch_0.13.3-1_i386.deb".
  5. If you have a 64-bit install of Ubuntu 11.04, grab "rbpitch_0.13.3-1_amd64.deb".

If you don't know whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu, go to Applications -> Terminal, type arch, and look for either "x86_64" (64-bit) or "i686" (32-bit).

Just open the deb file with the Ubuntu Software Centre by double-clicking it in Nautilus or Firefox. Click the Install button in USC, and let USC do its thing. Once installed, you may have to enable the plugin in Rhythmbox, under Edit -> Plugins -> Pitch and Tempo Shifting.



Like most developers, I am bias (and I admit it!) -- that means I have only a finite motivation to support certain operating systems. Generally, I will class them as "first-class", "second-class" and "unsupported".

First-class operating systems are ones that I actually test the software on, and will go to every length to ensure that it works as well as possible on these systems. You can file bugs against rbpitch for first-class operating systems, and I will try to fix them. I will provide binaries for every major release of rbpitch for first-class OSes, on this website.

1.5-class operating systems are those that I definitely support fully, but I may or may not release binaries for them all the time. I may produce them upon request (if you ask nicely). I do occasionally test rbpitch on 1.5-class OSes, but perhaps not as thoroughly as first-class OSes. We will get rbpitch working on your 1.5-class OS, but it may require more time than a first-class OS, because the binaries are probably not already available.

Second-class operating systems are those that I probably don't test the software on, but I would like to help you anyway. Feel free to contact me using email, the discussion forums, etc. to see if we can get rbpitch working on your OS. It's not that I don't like your OS, it's just that I don't have time to support all the myriad different configurations out there. If I can't help you, you might be able to find other interested users who also run your platform who can help you. Generally, I will not make significant code changes to the rbpitch sources in order to fix a bug on a second-class OS, but I will lend some degree of support as I can. If you can provide me patches that will make rbpitch more compatible with your second-class OS, I will review them, and if they don't negatively impact functionality or the build system on other OSes, I will accept the patch.

Unsupported OSes are all the ones that I either explicitly dislike; know that Rhythmbox doesn't run (well/at all) on them; or feel strongly that rbpitch is unlikely to work on them.

If you want your personal favorite OS/architecture to be bumped higher up the list, volunteer! If you want to provide technical support for rbpitch on a certain OS and you will commit to doing so, I will increase its support level to 1.5-class. If you want to also provide binary releases, I will promote it to first-class.

So without further ado, here's the list:

First-class: * The latest stable version of Ubuntu, for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * The latest stable version of Debian, for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * The most recent Ubuntu LTS release, for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * The latest stable version of all official Ubuntu flavors (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu) for x86 32-bit and 64-bit.

1.5-class: * The latest and immediately prior versions of Fedora, for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * The latest release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (includes CentOS and Scientific Linux, as long as they are based on the latest major release of RHEL) for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * The latest stable version of OpenSUSE for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * All non-Canonical distros that are derived from the latest version of Ubuntu (Linux Mint, Vinux, etc etc) for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * Ubuntu releases that are less than 18 months old (since release), for x86 32-bit and 64-bit.

Second-class: * All first-class and 1.5-class OSes running under a non-x86 architecture (ARM, PowerPC, etc.) * The in-development alpha/beta version of Ubuntu or Fedora, for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * Debian Testing and Unstable, for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * Older versions of Ubuntu up to and including the most recent LTS, for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * Older versions of Fedora that are no older than the version used for the most recent RHEL release. * The latest stable version of Gentoo for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * The latest stable version of Mageia for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * An up-to-date ArchLinux for x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * Most other Linux distros running a not-too-heavily-modified Gnome 3.x on x86 32-bit and 64-bit. * The latest version of Illumos or other OPEN SOURCE Solaris-based operating systems (commercial Solaris unsupported).

Unsupported: * Windows * Android * iOS * BSD (all flavors) * Any alpha or beta of a Linux distro that has since been released as final * Any other exotic/weird/niche/mainframe/realtime OSes you can imagine (Hurd, z/OS, Amiga, ReactOS, STOP, etc.)

And for those who are still reading, here's a little fun (context: "moch" is the lead developer of Rhythmbox)
[00:44:34] <moch> they're shipping a git snapshot, because there aren't any releases past 0.13.something because I'm a bad person

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Sean McNamara
Sean McNamara

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