Rhythmbox Fileorganizer trunk series

This is now under active development, anything you get from here should work but is subject to change depending on how things are implemented on release.

Release notes will be compare between the last release (1.0.2 to 1.0.3) and not to changes that occurred during development. I'll make notes in my commit's when things are removed/depreciated. Gconf keys for example will remain if removed.

Lots of things will be changing but they will be stable enough to use as I use it every day.

Series information

Rhythmbox Fileorganizer
Project drivers:
Release manager:
Active Development
Project development focus:
is the focus of development.
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Code for this series

The following branch has been registered as the mainline branch for this release series:

21 revisions.

You can get a copy of the development focus branch using the command:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/rb-fileorganizer

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Milestones and releases

18 of 8 results
Version Expected Released Summary
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 2.0.1-2 None
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 2.0.1 None
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 2.0 "gtk3" None Targeted for the next stable rhythmbox using GTK3
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.1.0 "gui" None Look at GUI settings and options as well as a preview window.
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.3-2 "robustness" 2011-02-27 Adding new features has helped me find a few bugs that shouldn't be here stil...
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.3 "features" 2011-02-25 Additional features/wishlist items to be examined and added if possible. This...
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.2 "bugfix" 2011-01-28 This will contain a bunch of bug fixes some of which are in the current trunk...
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.1 "Debut" 2010-01-01 This is the first milestone. It marks when the plugin takes off and it is fun...
18 of 8 results

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Latest version is 2.0.1-2

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