
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 2.0.1-2 trunk None
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 2.0.1 trunk None
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 2.0 "gtk3" trunk None Targeted for the next stable rhythmbox using GTK3
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.1.0 "gui" trunk None Look at GUI settings and options as well as a preview window.
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.3-2 "robustness" trunk 2011-02-27 Adding new features has helped me find a few bugs that shouldn't be here stil...
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.3 "features" trunk 2011-02-25 Additional features/wishlist items to be examined and added if possible. This...
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.2 "bugfix" trunk 2011-01-28 This will contain a bunch of bug fixes some of which are in the current trunk...
Rhythmbox Fileorganizer 1.0.1 "Debut" trunk 2010-01-01 This is the first milestone. It marks when the plugin takes off and it is fun...