pyjuju 0.8 "zephr"

Milestone information

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Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Benjamin Saller, 2 Clint Byrum, 3 Kapil Thangavelu
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
3 Won't Fix, 3 Confirmed, 39 Triaged, 6 In Progress, 1 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 52 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1069597 #1069597 juju, zookeeper, and disk usage 3 High   4 Won't Fix
928624 #928624 cached unit public addresses are problematic when public ip address changes 5 Low   4 Won't Fix
1073133 #1073133 Support subnet (VPC) on EC2 environments 5 Low   4 Won't Fix
754318 #754318 add register cleanup utility to cli 6 Wishlist   6 Confirmed
1009687 #1009687 charms should be able to provide a 'missing-hook' script 6 Wishlist   6 Confirmed
1040210 #1040210 can't upgrade a store-deployed service from a local repo 6 Wishlist   6 Confirmed
804203 #804203 Juju needs to communicate securely with Zookeeper 3 High   7 Triaged
804284 #804284 API for managing juju environments, aka expose cli as daemon 3 High   7 Triaged
872264 #872264 stop hook does not fire when units removed from service 3 High   7 Triaged
875042 #875042 allow for import/export of a environment or subset 3 High   7 Triaged
897645 #897645 juju should support an apt proxy or alternate mirror for private clouds 3 High   7 Triaged
987853 #987853 Juju Zookeeper node agent does not handle reboots 3 High   7 Triaged
988115 #988115 upgrade-charm fails to change a symlink to a regular file 3 High   7 Triaged
1027641 #1027641 assigning a unique security group to each machine uses up security group quotas in HPCloud (openstack) 3 High   7 Triaged
1054096 #1054096 Openstack rackspace compatibility 3 High   7 Triaged
1062669 #1062669 local provider does not spawn containers of series based on charm series 3 High   7 Triaged
769036 #769036 Ensemble hook cli api needs to do correct exit codes 5 Low   7 Triaged
781916 #781916 bootstrap should have an option to allow for pre-allocation of additional machines 5 Low   7 Triaged
818873 #818873 test suite leaks fds 5 Low   7 Triaged
833064 #833064 netsec needs machine firewall for some providers 5 Low   7 Triaged
833432 #833432 Feature Request: allow freezing/thawing an environment 5 Low   7 Triaged
886188 #886188 No feedback when creating containers 5 Low   7 Triaged
891868 #891868 juju cli api should be invokable outside of units/hooks 5 Low   7 Triaged
916057 #916057 all juju instances (in one environment) use the same credentials for zookeeper, preventing admin acl restrictions 5 Low   7 Triaged
917405 #917405 charm upgrade from charm store can leave units out-of-date and unfixable 5 Low   7 Triaged
955576 #955576 'local:' services not started on reboot 5 Low   7 Triaged
963560 #963560 Possible intermittent failure in juju.agents.tests.test_provision.FirewallManagerTest.test_watch_service_changes_is_called 5 Low   7 Triaged
969706 #969706 juju.unit.tests.test_workflow.UnitRelationWorkflowTest.test_depart_hook_error non deterministic behavior 5 Low   7 Triaged
993288 #993288 Provide an option to specify creation of a new instance upon deployment 5 Low   7 Triaged
993492 #993492 Wrong error message when calling remove-relation with a subordinate charm 5 Low   7 Triaged
1016003 #1016003 "juju debug-hooks -h" doesn't say what 'debug-hooks' does 5 Low   7 Triaged
1017273 #1017273 running the test suite in parallel fails 5 Low   7 Triaged
1020635 #1020635 confusing error message and backtrace in unit agent on non-existant unit passed to relation-get 5 Low   7 Triaged
1031297 #1031297 Only 60 DELETE request(s) can be made to /{suburi} every MINUTE. 5 Low   7 Triaged
1052174 #1052174 debug-log showing old messages 5 Low   7 Triaged
1059627 #1059627 constraint implementation hides rpcs behind state api 5 Low   7 Triaged
1068519 #1068519 "AF_UNIX path too long" error when unit name exceeds about 30 characters 5 Low   7 Triaged
1073470 #1073470 open-port should support restricting to a specific IP range 5 Low   7 Triaged
1079917 #1079917 relation-get returns 0 unconditionally 5 Low   7 Triaged
1081663 #1081663 machine agent on instances dies 5 Low   7 Triaged
1083202 #1083202 config-changed hook timeout fails strangely 5 Low   7 Triaged
1083646 #1083646 No feedback on core quota being exceeded in openstack_s3 5 Low   7 Triaged
1135641 #1135641 juju upstart scripts (ab)use predictably named files in /tmp 5 Low   7 Triaged
1143963 #1143963 juju status does not respect JUJU_ENV 5 Low   7 Triaged
803042 #803042 The "bootstrap node" needs high availability 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
813773 #813773 Juju should have security rules/acls for every path in zk 3 High Kapil Thangavelu  8 In Progress
966577 #966577 add explicit egress 'owner' rule on non-bootstrapping nodes to require root access to zookeeper 3 High Clint Byrum  8 In Progress
821074 #821074 security integration, sequence nodes or topology dependencies require explicit acl application, otp principal integration with state creation 5 Low Kapil Thangavelu  8 In Progress
843539 #843539 Statusd -- deployment side status computation 6 Wishlist Benjamin Saller  8 In Progress
1062901 #1062901 Add a tool to run tests automatically on change 6 Wishlist Clint Byrum  8 In Progress
1073083 #1073083 Non-responsive zookeeper leads to spinning agent and traceback 6 Wishlist Kapil Thangavelu  8 In Progress
806241 #806241 It should be possible to deploy multiple units to a machine (unit placement) 3 High   10 Fix Released
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