Percona XtraDB Cluster moved to 5.6.24-25.11

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Percona XtraDB Cluster moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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5 Alexey Kopytov, 3 Hrvoje Matijakovic, 7 Raghavendra D Prabhu
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20 Fix Released

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Percona XtraDB Cluster now allows reads in non-primary state by introducing a new session variable, wsrep_dirty_reads. This variable is boolean and is OFF by default. When set to ON, a Percona XtraDB Cluster node accepts queries that only read, but not modify data even if the node is in the non-PRIM state (#1407770).

Percona XtraDB Cluster now allows queries against INFORMATION_SCHEMA and PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA even with variables wsrep_ready and wsrep_dirty_reads set to OFF. This allows monitoring applications to monitor the node when it is even in non-PRIM state (#1409618).

wsrep_replicate_myisam variable is now both session and global variable (#1280280).

Percona XtraDB Cluster now uses getifaddrs for node address detection. It detects the address from the interface to which mysqld is bound if the address is not obtained from bind_address or wsrep_node_address, when both are unset (#1252700).

Percona XtraDB Cluster has implemented two new status variables: wsrep_cert_bucket_count and wsrep_gcache_pool_size for better instrumentation of galera memory usage. wsrep_cert_bucket_count shows the number of cells in the certification index hash-table and wsrep_gcache_pool_size shows the size of the page pool and/or dynamic memory allocated for gcache (in bytes).


Using concurrent REPLACE, LOAD DATA REPLACE or INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements in the READ COMMITTED isolation level or with the innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog option enabled could lead to a unique-key constraint violation. Bug fixed #1308016.

Using the Rolling Schema Upgrade as a schema upgrade method due to conflict with wsrep_desync would allows only one ALTER TABLE to run concurrently. Bugs fixed #1330944 and #1330941.

SST would resume even when the donor was already detected as being in SYNCED state. This was caused when wsrep_desync was manually set to OFF which caused the conflict and resumed the donor sooner. Bug fixed #1288528.

DDL would fail on a node when running a TOI DDL, if one of the nodes has the table locked. Bug fixed #1376747.

xinet.d mysqlchk file was missing type = UNLISTED to work out of the box. Bug fixed #1418614.

Conflict between enforce_storage_engine and wsrep_replicate_myisam for CREATE TABLE has been fixed. Bug fixed #1435482.

A specific trigger execution on the master server could cause a slave assertion error under row-based replication. The trigger would satisfy the following conditions: 1) it sets a savepoint; 2) it declares a condition handler which releases this savepoint; 3) the trigger execution passes through the condition handler. Bug fixed #1438990.

Percona XtraDB Cluster Debian init script was testing connection with wrong credentials. Bug fixed #1439673.

Race condition between IST and SST fixed in xtrabackup-v2 SST. Bugs fixed #1441762, #1443881, and #1451524.

SST will now fail when move-back fails instead of continuing and failing at the next step. Bug fixed #1451670.

Percona XtraDB Cluster .deb binaries were built without fast mutexes. Bug fixed #1457118.

The error message text returned to the client in the non-primary mode is now more descriptive ("WSREP has not yet prepared node for application use"), instead of "Unknown command" returned previously. Bug fixed #1426378.

Out-of-bount memory access issue in seqno_reset() function has been fixed.

wsrep_local_cached_downto would underflow when the node on which it is queried has no writesets in gcache.

Other bugs fixed: #1290526.

0 blueprints and 20 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1290526 #1290526 wsrep_start_replication wsrep->connect rcode matching 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1252700 #1252700 Use getifaddrs for node address detection 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1308016 #1308016 Duplicate UK values in READ-COMMITTED (again) 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1409618 #1409618 [FR] Detach I_S queries from wsrep_ready 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1426378 #1426378 Fix the "unknown command" error message in non-primary mode 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1280280 #1280280 wsrep_replicate_myisam needs to be a session variable 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1288528 #1288528 SST Resumes Even When Donor Was Already Detected as SYNCED State | wsrep_desync conflict 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1362152 #1362152 Multi-master diagram is incorrect in manual 1 Undecided Hrvoje Matijakovic  10 Fix Released
1370458 #1370458 [DOC] wsrep_desync description needs improving 1 Undecided Hrvoje Matijakovic  10 Fix Released
1376747 #1376747 FLUSH TABLE WITH READ LOCK, FLUSH FOR EXPORT cause TOI to break 1 Undecided Raghavendra D Prabhu  10 Fix Released
1407770 #1407770 Dirty reads during non-PRIM 1 Undecided Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1413247 #1413247 PXC manual doesn't cover all wsrep_provider_options 1 Undecided Hrvoje Matijakovic  10 Fix Released
1418614 #1418614 xinet.d mysqlchk file needs 'type = UNLISTED' to work out of the box 1 Undecided Raghavendra D Prabhu  10 Fix Released
1435482 #1435482 enforce_storage_engine=Innodb not compatible with wsrep_replicate_myisam 1 Undecided Raghavendra D Prabhu  10 Fix Released
1438990 #1438990 Slave assertion in unpack_row with ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT in error handler 1 Undecided Raghavendra D Prabhu  10 Fix Released
1439673 #1439673 init script test db with wrong credential 1 Undecided Raghavendra D Prabhu  10 Fix Released
1441762 #1441762 IST Fails with sst script error 1 Undecided Raghavendra D Prabhu  10 Fix Released
1444007 #1444007 Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-garbd-3-3.9-1.3494.rhel7.x86_64 systemd init script broken, fix added 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1451670 #1451670 Fail when move-back fails in xtrabackup SSt 1 Undecided Raghavendra D Prabhu  10 Fix Released
1457118 #1457118 Percona xtradb cluster .deb binaries are built without fast mutexes 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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