Percona XtraDB Cluster moved to 5.6.19-25.6

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Percona XtraDB Cluster moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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1 Alexey Kopytov
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49 Fix Released

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New Features

During joiner joining the group, state message exchange provides us with gcache seqno limits. That info is now used to choose a donor through IST first, if not possible, only then SST is attempted. wsrep_sst_donor is also honored here. This is also segment aware. (#1252461)

Asynchronous replication slave thread is stopped when the node tries to apply next replication event while the node is in non-primary state. But it would then remain stopped after node successfully re-joined the cluster. A new variable wsrep_restart_slave has been implemented, which controls if MySQL slave should be restarted automatically when the node joins back to the cluster. (#1288479)

Handling install message and install state message processing has been improved to make group forming more stable in case many nodes are joining the cluster. (#14)

Percona XtraDB Cluster now supports storing the Primary Component state to disk by setting the pc.recovery variable to true. The Primary Component can then recover automatically when all nodes that were part of the last saved state reestablish communications with each other. This feature can be used for automatic recovery from full cluster crashes, such as in the case of a data center power outage and graceful full cluster restarts without the need for explicitly bootstrapping a new Primary Component. (#10)

New wsrep_evs_repl_latency status variable has been implemented which provides the group communication replication latency information. (#15)

Node consistency issues with foreign keys have been fixed. This fix introduces two new variables: wsrep_slave_FK_checks and wsrep_slave_UK_checks. These variables are set to TRUE and FALSE respectively by default. They control whether Foreign Key and Unique Key checking is done for applier threads. (#1260713).

Bugs fixed

Fixed the race condition in Foreign Key processing that could cause assertion. Bug fixed #1342959.

The restart sequence in scripts/mysql.server would fail to capture and return if the start call failed to start the server, so a restart could occur that failed upon start-up, and the script would still return 0 as if it worked without any issues. Bug fixed #1339894.

Updating a unique key value could cause server hang if slave node has enabled parallel slaves. Bug fixed #1280896.

Percona XtraDB Cluster has implemented threadpool scheduling fixes. Bug fixed #1333348.

garbd was returning incorrect return code, ie. when garbd was already started, return code was 0. Bug fixed #1308103.

wsrep_sst_rsync would silently fail on joiner when rsync server port was already taken. Bug fixed #1099783.

Example wsrep_notify script failed on node shutdown. Bug fixed #1132955.

When gmcast.listen_addr was configured to a certain address, local connection point for outgoing connections was not bound to listen address. This would happen if OS has multiple interfaces with IP addresses in the same subnet, it may happen that OS would pick wrong IP for local connection point and other nodes would see connections originating from IP address which was not listened to. Bug fixed #1240964.

Issue with re-setting galera provider (in wsrep_provider_options) has been fixed. Bug fixed #1260283.

Variable wsrep_provider_options couldn’t be set in runtime if no provider was loaded. Bug fixed #1260290.

Percona XtraDB Cluster couldn’t be built with Bison 3.0. Bug fixed #1262439.

mysqld wasn’t handling exceeding max writeset size wsrep error correctly. Bug fixed #1270920.

When FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK was used on a node with wsrep_causal_reads set to 1 while there was a DML on other nodes then, subsequent SELECTs/SHOW STATUS didn’t hang earlier providing non-causal output, that has been fixed here. Bug fixed #1271177.

Lowest group communication layer (evs) would fail to handle the situation properly when big number of nodes would suddenly start to see each other. Bugs fixed #1271918 and #1249805.

Percona XtraDB Cluster server package no longer conflicts with mysql-libs package from CentOS repository. Bug fixed #1278516.

The mysql-debug UNIV_DEBUG binary was missing from RPM/DEB server packages. Bug fixed #1290087.

XtraBackup SST would fail if progress option was used with large number of files. Bug fixed #1294431.

When Query Cache was used and a node would go into non-PRIM state, queries which returned results earlier (and cached into query cache) would still return results whereas newer queries (or the ones not cached) would return unknown command. Bug fixed #1296403.

Brute Force abort did not work with INSERTs to table with single unique key. Bug fixed #1299116.

InnoDB buffer pool dump and load was not working as expected due to wsrep_recover overwriting the buffer pool dump file. Bug fixed #1305955.

Close referenced table opened in the same function when foreign constraints were checked, otherwise it could lead to server stall when running DROP TABLE. Bug fixed #1309241.

Compiling on FreeBSD 10.0 with CLANG would result in fatal error. Bug fixed #1309507.

Truncating the sorted version of multi-byte character conversion could lead to wsrep certification failures. Bug fixed #1314854.

Cluster node acting as async slave would stop with the wrong position after hitting max_write_set_size. Bug fixed #1309669.

Fixed the events replication inconsistencies. Bug fixed #1312618.

wsrep_slave_threads was counted towards max_connections which could cause ERROR 1040 (HY000): Too many connections error. Bug fixed #1315588.

Leaving node was not set nonoperational if processed leave message originated from different view than the current one which could cause other nodes to crash. Bug fixed #1323412 (#41).

garb couldn’t be started with init script on RHEL 6.5. Bug fixed #1323652.

SST would fail when binlogs were in dedicated directory that’s located inside datadir. This bug was a regression introduced by bug fix for #1273368. Bug fixed #1326012.

GTID of TOI operations is now also synced to InnoDB tablespace in order to get consistent backups. Bug fixed #1329055.

mysql-debug is now distributed with binary tar.gz along with RPM and DEB packages. Bug fixed #1332073.

Startup failure with Undetected state gap has been fixed. Bug fixed #1334606.

Galera3 is now installed in /usr/lib/galera3/ with a compatibility symlink to /usr/lib/ Bug fixed #1279328.

Galera could not be compiled on PowerPC. Bug fixed #59.

Cluster could stall if leaving node failed to acknowledge all messages it had received due to exception and remaining nodes failed to reach consensus because of that. Bug fixed #37.

When two node instances were set up on the same server with the two different IPs, they couldn’t not work well because they were use wrong IP addresses. Bug fixed #31.

Automated donor selection with segments gave inconsistent results. Bug fixed #29.

Other bug fixes: #1297822, #1269811, #1262887, #1244835, #1338995, #11, #40, #38, #33, and #24.

0 blueprints and 49 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1260283 #1260283 Issues with re-setting the provider 3 High   10 Fix Released
1271177 #1271177 FTWRL and wsrep_causal_reads with 'show status' 3 High   10 Fix Released
1312618 #1312618 Replication of events is not consistent with MySQL 3 High   10 Fix Released
1314854 #1314854 unavoidable wsrep certification failures with character unique key 3 High   10 Fix Released
1323412 #1323412 Primary node leaving the cluster causes other nodes to crash 3 High   10 Fix Released
1323652 #1323652 /etc/init.d/garb fails on RHEL 6.5 3 High   10 Fix Released
1329055 #1329055 update wsrep position in innodb also for TOI 3 High   10 Fix Released
1334331 #1334331 lp:1312618: follow up patch to fix a segfault 3 High   10 Fix Released
1334530 #1334530 Percona XtraDB Cluster Garbd wrong Init Script 3 High   10 Fix Released
1334606 #1334606 Undetected state gap. Can't continue. 3 High   10 Fix Released
1190774 #1190774 Issue at shutdown: Error in my_thread_global_end(): 2 threads didn't exit 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1240964 #1240964 gmcast does not bind outgoing connections to listen addr 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1249805 #1249805 Whole Cluste become NOT-Primary after ASIO issue on a node 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1260290 #1260290 wsrep_provider_options can't be set in runtime if no provider is loaded 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1260713 #1260713 Node consistency issues with foreign key grammar 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1271918 #1271918 Lowest group communication layer (evs) fails to handle the situation properly when big number of nodes suddenly start to see each other 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1315588 #1315588 wsrep-slave-threads is counted towards max_connections 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1326012 #1326012 SST fails when binlogs are in dedicated directory that's located inside datadir 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1332073 #1332073 mysqld-debug with binaries 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1333348 #1333348 threadpool UNIV_DEBUG | void remove_global_thread(THD*): Assertion `thd->release_resources_done()' failed 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1339894 #1339894 scripts/mysql.server fails to return 1 if restart fails to start 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1308103 #1308103 Return code incorrect when garbd is already running 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1338995 #1338995 Init script should say 'State Transfer is in progress' instead of 'SST is in progress' 5 Low   10 Fix Released
1099783 #1099783 wsrep_sst_rsync fails silently on joiner when rsync server port is already taken 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1132955 #1132955 Example wsrep_notify script fails on node shutdown 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1179361 #1179361 crash with HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY when PRIMARY KEY contains UTF8 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1244835 #1244835 Add a function to dump contents of IO cache to disk. 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1252461 #1252461 Use gcached seqno information to better choose donor (to avoid SST) 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1262887 #1262887 regression test for lp:1100496 runs too slowly 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1269811 #1269811 Dependency on -shared package 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1270920 #1270920 mysqld can't handle wsrep error on exceeding max writeset size 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1276994 #1276994 Merge PS 5.5.35/36 with layout changes 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1278516 #1278516 CentOS: mysql-libs conflict with server package and new client packages 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1279328 #1279328 Installation prefix for multiple galera installations 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1280896 #1280896 updating a unique key can cause parallel applying to hang 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1288479 #1288479 Asynchronous slave thread remains stopped after node re-joins the cluster 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1290087 #1290087 Provide mysqld-debug in RPM/DEB. 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1294431 #1294431 cluster SST fail - /usr/bin/du: Argument list too long 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1296403 #1296403 Query cache should be invalidated in non-PRIMARY 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1297822 #1297822 RHEL/Centos Server packages that conflict with mysql-libs should require a suitable replacement 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1298484 #1298484 Merge with MySQL 5.6.17 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1299116 #1299116 BF abort does not work with inserts to table with single unique key 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1305955 #1305955 InnoDB buffer pool dump and load not working as expected 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1309241 #1309241 "DROP DATABASE" may block indefinitely 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1309507 #1309507 Compile fails on FreeBSD ENOTREOVERABLE macro redefined 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1309669 #1309669 Cluster node acting as async slave stops with the wrong position after hitting max write set size 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1329911 #1329911 libperconaserverclient18.1 doesn't include the library file 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1330369 #1330369 Merge with MySQL 5.6.19 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1342959 #1342959 assert for FK processing in client connection 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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