Cisco Openstack h.1

h.1 is a maintenance release concerned mostly with bugfixes.

Milestone information

Cisco Openstack
Mark T. Voelker
Release registered:
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4 Chip, 8 Chris Ricker, 22 Mark T. Voelker, 2 Pradeep Kilambi
4 Implemented
2 New, 32 Fix Released

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Release notes 

This release contains all upstream stable branch patches for OpenStack core components including Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Glance, Keystone, Horizon, Heat, Ceilometer, and Swift as of 2013.2.1. This release also features Puppet automation updates from StackForge.

Getting the Source and Installing the Release
Information about how to install Cisco OpenStack Edition - Havana can be found here:

Note that the instructions provided will install the latest stable maintenance patches for Havana, which may be newer than those in the h.1 release. If you need to specifically install the versions of the packages released in h.1 even though newer maintenance updates are available, you can modify your apt configuration to point to our h.1 snapshot repository. Execute these steps:

1.) Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cisco-openstack-mirror_havana.list and change the following lines:

deb havana main
deb-src havana main


deb havana/snapshots/h.1 main
deb-src havana/snapshots/h.1 main

2.) Run "apt-get update" as root or via sudo. You may see a harmless warning of the form "Conflicting distribution: havana/snapshots/h.1 Release (expected havana/snapshots but got havana)". The warning is simply informational and lets you know that you are using a snapshot repository.

3.) To ensure changes are propagated by Puppet, modify data/hiera_data/vendor/cisco_coi_common.yaml and change line 24 from:

pocket: ''


pocket: '/snapshots/h.1'

Then modify install_scripts/ and change lines 18-19 from:

deb havana main
deb-src havana main


deb havana/snapshots/h.1 main
deb-src havana/snapshots/h.1 main

Then proceed with your installation as usual.

Note that you may also choose to run bleeding-edge (and not fully vetted) code by using "-proposed" in place of "/snapshots/h.1" in the above instructions. This is recommended only for developers who expect things to be broken occasionally and is strongly discouraged for production environments.

The source code for this release has been posted to GitHub. Look for the "h.1" tag in the repositories listed here:

We do not support Trove, Marconi, Savanna, Ironic, or other incubated projects in this release although relevant repositories may be made available for customers to experiment with on their own.

The h.1 release of Cisco OpenStack Installer is the first release based on a new data-driven model. Setup is therefore substantially different than in Grizzly releases, but the resulting installation options are also substantially more flexible. Customers should take care to read installation instructions carefully. Questions may be addressed to or and Cisco engineers will respond on a best effort basis.

Customers deploying Ceph should take note of deployment considerations here:

Ceph RBD can be used as a backend for Glance and/or Cinder in this release. The module used to deploy Ceph in Grizzly release of Cisco OpenStack Installer has been replaced with a new module based on ceph-deploy, which dramatically speeds up deployment times and doesn't require multiple catalog runs. However, the ceph-deploy tool uses hostname information (e.g. via DNS) to accomplish it's tasks. Customers should therefore ensure that the IP address that the hostname of the initial mon node resolves to is also be configured in user.common.yaml as the inital mon, and the ceph networks should be on the same subnet as that IP address. Otherwise, cephdeploy may fail to set up the cluster properly.

Compressed Active/Active HA Deployments
This release features experimental support for a new "compressed" HA model in which a full high availability model can be achieved on as little as 3 physical nodes. Swift is currently not included in the 3-node HA model (though this could be changed by the user with some changes to the YAML files in /etc/puppet/data). Glance and Cinder are backed by Ceph.

The traditional 13-node "Full HA" model is also available in this release.

All-in-One Deployment Model
The h.1 release includes an "all in one" deployment model that allows users to combine compute and control functions on a single server. The AIO model in h.1 differs from the model provided in g.3 in that it now includes support for Swift Proxy and Storage node roles as well. The all-in-one deployment model can be used in place of a traditional control node to add additional compute/storage capacity to a multi-node cloud by allowing instances to be launched on control nodes.

Pip Removal
Prior releases of Cisco OpenStack Installer used pip to provide installation of some software. Pip is problematic in environments where proxy servers are in use or access to the public internet is limited. The h.1 release of Cisco OpenStack Installer has replaced all known uses of pip with packages provided by apt-get instead in order to make installation in proxied/no-net environments easier.


View the full changelog

A list of defects fixed in this release can be found at:

This release includes selected OpenStack core component patches from stable branch, plus updates to client libraries and updated Puppet deployment code from StackForge and Cisco.

4 blueprints and 34 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Support for customizing list of kernel modules loaded at boot Support for customizing list of kernel modules loaded at boot 3 Medium Mark T. Voelker  11 Implemented
Remove PIP dependency Remove PIP dependency 3 Medium Mark T. Voelker  11 Implemented
Add Glance Cache Cleaner to Control Nodes Add Glance Cache Cleaner to Control Nodes 2 Low Mark T. Voelker  11 Implemented
Add Glance Cache Pruner to Control Nodes Add Glance Cache Pruner to Control Nodes 2 Low Mark T. Voelker  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1272457 #1272457 Permission error on puppet plugin download 4 Medium Chip  0 New
1272457 #1272457 Permission error on puppet plugin download 4 Medium Chip  0 New
1268799 #1268799 Havana COI doesn't configure Heat correctly 3 High Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1268799 #1268799 Havana COI doesn't configure Heat correctly 3 High Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1269856 #1269856 h.0 is using dev repos 3 High Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269856 #1269856 h.0 is using dev repos 3 High Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269913 #1269913 invalid interfaces file breaks puppet runs 3 High Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269913 #1269913 invalid interfaces file breaks puppet runs 3 High Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1270150 #1270150 kvm not enabled by default in all scenarios 3 High Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1270150 #1270150 kvm not enabled by default in all scenarios 3 High Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1270381 #1270381 YAML files need better inline documentation 3 High Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1270381 #1270381 YAML files need better inline documentation 3 High Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1266487 #1266487 puppet certs invalid on cobbler deployed nodes 4 Medium Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1266487 #1266487 puppet certs invalid on cobbler deployed nodes 4 Medium Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1267218 #1267218 pip install failing due to wrong setuptools version 4 Medium Pradeep Kilambi  10 Fix Released
1267218 #1267218 pip install failing due to wrong setuptools version 4 Medium Pradeep Kilambi  10 Fix Released
1269706 #1269706 mysql fails to restart on compact_ha scenario 4 Medium Chip  10 Fix Released
1269706 #1269706 mysql fails to restart on compact_ha scenario 4 Medium Chip  10 Fix Released
1270944 #1270944 Scenario mapping for compressed_ha should include compute role 4 Medium Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1270944 #1270944 Scenario mapping for compressed_ha should include compute role 4 Medium Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1271309 #1271309 Using compressed_ha_cephall still requires Swift HAP config 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1271309 #1271309 Using compressed_ha_cephall still requires Swift HAP config 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1271503 #1271503 heat engine traceback - no environment.d 4 Medium Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1271503 #1271503 heat engine traceback - no environment.d 4 Medium Chris Ricker  10 Fix Released
1215560 #1215560 collectd packaged gets installed on every puppet run 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1215560 #1215560 collectd packaged gets installed on every puppet run 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269126 #1269126 cobbler setup in H.0 doesn't seem to work consistently 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269126 #1269126 cobbler setup in H.0 doesn't seem to work consistently 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269241 #1269241 Change default vncserver_proxy for AIO scenario 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269241 #1269241 Change default vncserver_proxy for AIO scenario 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269656 #1269656 Cobbler sample compute node definitions have typo in 'mac-addres' 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269656 #1269656 Cobbler sample compute node definitions have typo in 'mac-addres' 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269677 #1269677 Set execute bit on 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
1269677 #1269677 Set execute bit on 5 Low Mark T. Voelker  10 Fix Released
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