Maxime Chambreuil (
OpenERP modules to manage management systems.
OpenERP modules to manage management systems:
* Quality (ISO 9001)
* Environment (ISO 14001)
* Security (ISO 27001, PCI-DSS)
* IT services (ISO 20001, ITIL)
* Health & Safety (OHSAS 18001)
Project information
- Part of:
- OpenERP Project Group
- Maintainer:
- OpenERP Management System Core Editors
- Licence:
- GNU Affero GPL v3
View full history Series and milestones
7.0 series is the current focus of development.
All code Code
- Version control system:
- Bazaar
- Programming languages:
- Python
All questions Latest questions
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1287174: mgmtsystem_hazard: ValueError: No such external ID currently defined in the system: base.view_company_form
Reported -
Bug #1284886: mgmtsystem_hazard.hazard should have a many2one relation with mgmtsystem_hazard.risk_type
Reported -
Bug #1281971: Cannot install mgmsystem_survey
Reported -
Bug #1267840: Can not create an Audit and Non-Conformities
Reported -
Bug #1260557: when installing the module action, this message appears
All blueprints Latest blueprints
Configuration panel
Registered -
Information Security Management System
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Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
Registered -
Kanban view for non-conformities
Registered -
Simplify Form and workflow for NCs