Registered by Jose F Nieves

Npemwin is an emwin server. It was designed to get its feed from a noaaport server running Nbsp, but it can also be configured to get the data from a standard byteblaster emwin server, a list of them, or from an emwin serial device. In any case, it will turn serve standard byte-blaster emwin clients in the usual way.Extensive facilities allow to call a script for each complete file received for post-processing (alarms/notifications, database insertion, etc).

Npemwin can used stand-alone or in conjuction with an Nbsp server. Npemwin can connect to a list of EMWIN servers, or to a NOAAPort Nbsp server or to a directly attached serial (WX12/13/14) device. It saves all the files received in a directory based on file type and WFO ID. Extensive facilities allow to call a script for each complete file received for post-processing (alarms/notifications, database insertion, and others). It can in turn serve any number of byte blaster clients, including of course other instances of Npemwin itself, and it can relay the data by ldm and nntp. Npemwin can be used independently of nbsp. In that mode, it can connect to any number of byte blaster servers or to a directly attached emwin serial (WX12/13) device. In any case, it will serve the data to any number of byte blaster clients, including other instances of npemwin itself, and it can relay the data by ldm and nntp.

It can be configured to register itself with the NWS master host to be advertised as a public'' server and appear in the list of available servers. It has no hard-coded limits to the number of clients it can serve. The number can be limited in the run-time configuration file if desired. Clients can be dennied or allow access through the tcpwrappers /etc/hosts.allow file. When used in this way npemwin tries to imitatebug for bug'' the behaviour of a regular BB server, as seen by either the BB clients, the BB servers or the master host.

It has a built-in web server for monitoring the internal state of the server as well as displaying the files received using any web browser.

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Simplified BSD Licence

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C, Tcl

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