Registered by aeva black

A few simple tools to help manage clusters of Linux/MySQL servers. There are tools to: monitor replication between mysqld processes, monitor free disk space and rotate mysql binary logs, and interactively connect to and run arbitrary commands on your Linux clusters with a simple, CLI tool.

I started this project about four years ago when I couldn't find similar open-source tools that did exactly what I wanted. I've used them ever since, expanded upon them, and received a little feedback from others that have liked them as well. I hope they can help you, too :)

[rep_mon] monitors replication between all your MySQL instances

[binlog_mon] automatically deletes the oldest MySQL binlog only when disk space needs to be freed (useful for
keeping around lots of logs without having to worry about your disk filling up).

[rcall] distributed shell commands. great for doing "rolling restarts" on clusters, and any similar repetitive tasks!

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