Registered by Joni-Pekka Kurronen

Building basic package for calculations is painful due several libraryes from difrent sources. To get them work together, optimized to your hardware is long process. I'am shareing my makefiles and everybody is welcome to join to make them better.

Scope: Ubuntu 12.4 LTS, Applications(elmerfem, netgen, openfoam) Libraryes(Arpack,Hyper,Mumps,Scalapac_esmumps) and Hardware(AMD bulldozer) - no idea to support anything else!

MPI4YOU - Ubuntu LTS 12.4 for parallel calculations, companion whit: ltsp, mpich2, elmer, netgen & OpenFOAM


This page is under construction it has 'recepy' used to create easily manageable environment to run parallel solvers ( netgen,OpenFOAM and Elmer,... )
This system is not fully tested, it's a like installation note's storage - it can help you.
I have done lot's experiments and to get all work together is not easy task, one software work's whit one and not all sofware's, compatibelity is real problem.

It can be Ubuntu is not good floor to build scientific calculations, based past experience but that's what I'm doing now.
It's worth to start from Scientific Linux Distribution - but I can not recommend personally due no experience from that anyway it looks better!!

-one installation, easy and fast to distribute to cluster/workstations ( that's ltsp )
-parallel (mpich2)
-multi purpose use, all node's as well server can work as workstation ( not recomended practice by Ubuntu )
-energy, resource efficiency, ecological solutions (hardware configuration, sleeping,..)
-be a wulf networks
-easy to have up to date librayes


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