
Mir 0.16.0

Mir display server v0.16.0

Milestone information

Cemil Azizoglu
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9 Alan Griffiths, 3 Alberto Aguirre, 2 Alexandros Frantzis, 1 Andreas Pokorny, 9 Daniel van Vugt, 8 Kevin DuBois
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
32 Fix Released

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download icon mir-0.16.0.tar.gz (md5) Mir 0.16.0 61
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 97

Release notes 

  * New upstream release 0.16.0 (https://launchpad.net/mir/+milestone/0.16.0)
    - ABI summary: Only servers and graphics drivers need rebuilding;
      . Mirclient ABI unchanged at 9
      . Mirserver ABI bumped to 34
      . Mircommon ABI unchanged at 5
      . Mirplatform ABI bumped to 10
      . Mirprotobuf ABI bumped to 2
      . Mirplatformgraphics ABI bumped to 5
      . Mirclientplatform ABI unchanged at 3
    - Enhancements:
      . Significantly shortened buffer holding time for system compositors
        should yield higher/smoother frame rates.
      . Progress on new buffer semantics work.
      . Mir-on-x platform refinements, including support for guest platform,
        key combinations, rotation, display window size.
      . Enhanced cross-compilation, including multi-distro, and multi-arch
      . Added message auth code to make_event functions. Older implementations
        are now marked as deprecated.
      . Added EventBuilder for input platforms to use to construct events.
      . Improved logging.
      . Added protobuf versioning support.
      . Support for the NATIVE_WINDOW_CONSUMER_USAGE_BITS query.
      . Added utilities to detect the capabilities of an input device.
      . Initial refactoring to support renderers other than GL.
      . Optimized ANR logic to decide less frequent wakeups.
      . Allow clients to set their surface event handler up front.
      . Added ability to provide for setting a scale on BufferStream.
    - Bug fixes: See below.


View the full changelog

  * New upstream release 0.16.0 (https://launchpad.net/mir/+milestone/0.16.0)
    - ABI summary: Only servers and graphics drivers need rebuilding;
      . Mirclient ABI unchanged at 9
      . Mirserver ABI bumped to 34
      . Mircommon ABI unchanged at 5
      . Mirplatform ABI bumped to 10
      . Mirprotobuf ABI bumped to 2
      . Mirplatformgraphics ABI bumped to 5
      . Mirclientplatform ABI unchanged at 3
    - Enhancements:
      . Significantly shortened buffer holding time for system compositors
        should yield higher/smoother frame rates.
      . Progress on new buffer semantics work.
      . Mir-on-x platform refinements, including support for guest platform,
        key combinations, rotation, display window size.
      . Enhanced cross-compilation, including multi-distro, and multi-arch
      . Added message auth code to make_event functions. Older implementations
        are now marked as deprecated.
      . Added EventBuilder for input platforms to use to construct events.
      . Improved logging.
      . Added protobuf versioning support.
      . Support for the NATIVE_WINDOW_CONSUMER_USAGE_BITS query.
      . Added utilities to detect the capabilities of an input device.
      . Initial refactoring to support renderers other than GL.
      . Optimized ANR logic to decide less frequent wakeups.
      . Allow clients to set their surface event handler up front.
      . Added ability to provide for setting a scale on BufferStream.
    - Bug fixes:
      . [regression] ubuntu-emulator fails to start Mir demos (LP: #1486535)
      . Overlayed framedropping clients freeze on mako (LP: #1391261)
      . [regression] Screen flickering and error messages on Android overlay
        surfaces: <ERROR> MirBufferStream: Error processing incoming buffer
        error registering graphics buffer for client use (LP: #1441553)
      . [silo0] exception thrown in cursor management code around monitor
        removals/additions (LP: #1483779)
      . mirclient.pc lists protobuf in Requires.private (LP: #1483876)
      . Overlays don't rotate when mga::DisplayBuffer is rotated (LP: #1485070)
      . cross-compile-chroot.sh fails on wily since the archive transition to
        GCC 5 (LP: #1486823)
      . [ FAILED ] ExchangeBufferTest.server_can_send_buffer
        (tests/integration-tests/test_exchange_buffer.cpp:441: Failure)
        (LP: #1487967)
      . Client fails to work with multiple client platform versions installed
        (LP: #1488500)
      . CI test failure in ClientLatency.triple_buffered_client_uses_all_buffers
        (LP: #1491876)
      . Intermittent CI failure in
        (LP: #1494663)
      . acceptance test ClientLatency.double_buffered_client_uses_all_buffers
        does not measure latency accurately (reports low latency when we know
        it's higher) (LP: #1447947)
      . make ptest returns 0 when tests fail (LP: #1454250)
      . [regression] Mir is holding buffers much longer than it used to
        (LP: #1480164)
      . Acceptance test fails under debuild:
        (LP: #1483097)
      . dpkg-shlibdeps: warning:
        contains an unresolvable reference to symbol
        (LP: #1483469)
      . [regression] surface remains invisible when changing from state
        minimized/hidden to any other (LP: #1483909)
      . android external monitor doesn't respect overlay disable option
        (LP: #1484638)
      . [regression] Clients hang without explanation when connecting to older
        servers since r2730 (LP: #1486496)
      . [regression] Intermittent test failure
        (LP: #1487197)
      . client api minor version was not updated in mir 0.15 (LP: #1488542)
      . On Wily/mesa-kms starting a server with a "test client" crashes the
        server (LP: #1489806)
      . The MirDisplayConfiguration returned on the client can be incorrect
        (LP: #1491937)
      . The MirDisplayConfiguration returned on the client can be incorrect
         - part 2 (LP: #1493741)
      . sbuild cross compile broken (LP: #1493895)
      . Segmentation fault in MesaBufferIntegration.* (LP: #1495459)
      . lintian says: W: mirtest-dev: extended-description-line-too-long
        (LP: #1483470)
      . SYSYEM_SUPPORTS_O_TMPFILE - typo (LP: #1483797)
      . sbuild cross compile encounters difficulties with our python dependency
        (LP: #1494317)
      . touchpad produces mouse events with zeroed relative_x and relative_y axes
        (LP: #1496814)

0 blueprints and 32 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1486535 #1486535 [regression] ubuntu-emulator fails to start Mir demos 2 Critical Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1391261 #1391261 Overlayed framedropping clients freeze on mako 3 High Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1441553 #1441553 [regression] Screen flickering and error messages on Android overlay surfaces: <ERROR> MirBufferStream: Error processing incoming buffer error registering graphics buffer for client use 3 High Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1483779 #1483779 Mir server crashes with - std::exception::what: Attempt to remove an overlay which was never added or which has been previously removed 3 High Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1483876 #1483876 mirclient.pc lists protobuf in Requires.private 3 High Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1485070 #1485070 Overlays don't rotate when mga::DisplayBuffer is rotated 3 High Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1486823 #1486823 cross-compile-chroot.sh fails on wily since the archive transition to GCC 5 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1487967 #1487967 [ FAILED ] ExchangeBufferTest.server_can_send_buffer (tests/integration-tests/test_exchange_buffer.cpp:441: Failure) 3 High Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1488500 #1488500 Client fails to work with multiple client platform versions installed 3 High Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1491876 #1491876 CI test failure in ClientLatency.triple_buffered_client_uses_all_buffers 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1494663 #1494663 Intermittent CI failure inDisplayConfigurationTest.changing_focus_from_client_with_config_to_client_without_config_configures_display 3 High Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1447947 #1447947 acceptance test ClientLatency.double_buffered_client_uses_all_buffers does not measure latency accurately (reports low latency when we know it's higher) 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1454250 #1454250 make ptest returns 0 when tests fail 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1480164 #1480164 [regression] Mir is holding buffers much longer than it used to. 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1483097 #1483097 Acceptance test fails under debuild: ClientCredsTestFixture.session_authorizer_receives_pid_of_connecting_clients 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1483223 #1483223 android-input-static is linked into both mirclient and mirserver 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1483469 #1483469 dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/mir-platform-graphics-mesa-x4/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform/server-mesa-x11.so.4 contains an unresolvable reference to symbol _ZN3mir6events10make_eventElNSt6chrono8durationIlSt5ratioILl1ELl1000000000EEEE17MirKeyboardActionjij: it's probably a plugin 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1483909 #1483909 [regression] surface remains invisible when changing from state minimized/hidden to any other 4 Medium Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1484638 #1484638 android external monitor doesn't respect overlay disable option 4 Medium Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1486496 #1486496 [regression] Clients hang without explanation when connecting to older servers since r2730. 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1487197 #1487197 [regression] Intermittent test failure BufferQueue/WithThreeOrMoreBuffers.queue_size_scales_with_client_performance 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1488542 #1488542 client api minor version was not updated in mir 0.15.0 4 Medium Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1489806 #1489806 On Wily/mesa-kms starting a server with a "test client" crashes the server 4 Medium Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1491937 #1491937 The MirDisplayConfiguration returned on the client can be incorrect 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1493741 #1493741 The MirDisplayConfiguration returned on the client can be incorrect - part 2 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1493895 #1493895 sbuild cross compile broken 4 Medium Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1495459 #1495459 Segmentation fault in MesaBufferIntegration.* 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1495754 #1495754 mNestedServer.display_configuration_changes_are_forwarded_to_host test failure 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1496814 #1496814 touchpad produces mouse events with zeroed relative_x and relative_y axes 4 Medium Andreas Pokorny  10 Fix Released
1483470 #1483470 lintian says: W: mirtest-dev: extended-description-line-too-long 5 Low Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1483797 #1483797 SYSYEM_SUPPORTS_O_TMPFILE - typo 5 Low Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1494317 #1494317 sbuild cross compile encounters difficulties with our python dependency 5 Low Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
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