Mir 0.1.7
Milestone information
- Active:
- No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.
- Assigned to you:
- No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
- Assignees:
- 2 Alan Griffiths, 2 Alberto Aguirre, 6 Alexandros Frantzis, 1 Andreas Pokorny, 1 Chris Halse Rogers, 3 Daniel van Vugt, 1 Robert Carr
- Blueprints:
- No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
- Bugs:
- 16 Fix Released
Download files for this release
Release notes
- mirserver ABI bumped to 17. All shells will need rebuilding.
- mirclient ABI unchanged. Clients do not need rebuilding.
- Server API changes (AKA why doesn't my code build any more?):
. Class "CompositingCri
flexible "Renderable" interface. This also resulted in parameter
changes for the Renderer and scene filtering classes.
. The function "DisplayConfigu
removed. Instead, please use the new mutable version of
the output structure passed in on each iteration.
. Exposed formerly private class "GLRenderer" and demonstrated how
to override its behaviour in demo-shell. This area is under
construction and may experience further major changes.
- Added initial support for hardware (HWC) overlays to accelerate
rendering and reduce power consumption. Not complete yet.
- Screen rotation: Added mouse cursor rotation support, so you can now
still control things on a rotated screen. Still missing rotation of
the cursor bitmap itself.
- Lots of fixes to support nested Mir servers (see below).
- Major simplification to how surface size/position/
interact, making transformations much easier to manage and work with.
- Lots of bugs fixed (see below)
This release does not have a changelog.