MAAS 3.4.x

Milestone information

Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 Alexsander de Souza, 1 Anton Troyanov, 4 Bill Wear, 3 Igor Brovtsin, 4 Jacopo Rota
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
1 New, 1 Incomplete, 2 Won't Fix, 126 Triaged, 2 In Progress, 3 Fix Committed, 1 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 136 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1846457 #1846457 Composing a VM with an IP address on its interface is in Auto Assign state after commissioning 3 High   0 New
1951893 #1951893 Surface node_type on all node list websocket handlers 4 Medium   1 Incomplete
1905610 #1905610 Inconsistent validation of A DNS records 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
2009669 #2009669 Confusing UI - "Use secure erase" and "Use quick erase" are supposed to be subsidiary of "Erase nodes' disk" 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1887558 #1887558 Multipath JBOD storage devices are not shown via /dev/mapper but each path as a single device. 3 High Alexsander de Souza  7 Triaged
1889026 #1889026 After "mark broken" and "mark fixed" it's no longer possible to mark the machine broken again 3 High Igor Brovtsin  7 Triaged
1953049 #1953049 Error while calling ScanNetworks: Unable to get RPC connection for rack controller 3 High Alexsander de Souza  7 Triaged
2003980 #2003980 When a custom image is updated it shows as synced before copied to rack controllers 3 High   7 Triaged
2004661 #2004661 MAAS deployment failures on server with Redfish 3 High   7 Triaged
2018476 #2018476 Postgres deprecation notice does not give upgrade instructions 3 High Bill Wear  7 Triaged
2018590 #2018590 hardware sync partially updates new machine specs (cpu and ram) 3 High   7 Triaged
2023936 #2023936 Firmware for NetXtreme II BCM57810 10 Gigabit Ethernet missing from initrd and ephemeral image 3 High   7 Triaged
2026824 #2026824 Enlistment fail for a machine with BIOS Legacy if PXE interface is the second one 3 High Jacopo Rota  7 Triaged
2028855 #2028855 Fail to configure Vault Enterprise 3 High Igor Brovtsin  7 Triaged
2039614 #2039614 Update to maas 3.4.0 snap changed partition ids which broke automated deployments 3 High   7 Triaged
1585822 #1585822 Is it impossible to create multiple fabrics which have duplicated subnets from other fabrics 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1591336 #1591336 Warn about missing EFI partition 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1737464 #1737464 PXE boot always boots hd0 regardless of which drive is selected as the boot drive. 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1771777 #1771777 Node is stuck "exiting rescue mode" from failed deployment 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1773576 #1773576 drivers.yaml should live in a writable directory in the snap 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1775424 #1775424 CentOS 6 deployment fails to deploy with Bionic 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1776084 #1776084 Error deleting a machine 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1781241 #1781241 rack controller remained in degraded state 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1783889 #1783889 COMMISSION S.M.A.R.T Tests fail unnecessarily on code 64 (past log entries) 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1793831 #1793831 Provide a way to disable swap files added by default to all deployed machines 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1809241 #1809241 LVM : can't create 2 LVs with the same name on 2 differents VGs 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1811375 #1811375 A resource pool admin can't move machine between their pools 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1811658 #1811658 Pod compose view allows selecting any visible resource pool 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1811796 #1811796 RBAC Admin/Operator can delete machines 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1811836 #1811836 allocate command doesn't respect system_id and name when a pod is registered 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1812212 #1812212 Non-admin users can't test deployed machines via the API 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1824171 #1824171 Timed out waiting for regions to import images. 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1828162 #1828162 Missing docs for SAML 4 Medium Bill Wear  7 Triaged
1839491 #1839491 Manually performed partitioning changes get reverted on reboot 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1840151 #1840151 IP Validation fails when adding ipv6 dhcp range 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1852745 #1852745 UI authentication session is not expiring 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1865545 #1865545 Rack Controllers not configured for NTP correctly when ntp_external_only is false 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1871021 #1871021 Mark broken / fixed issues 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1880495 #1880495 Upgrade from 1.95 to 2.35 failure because column maasserver_domain.ttl does not exist 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1881136 #1881136 MAAS API does not allow changing an fstype or mount_point on LVM volume-groups 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1881560 #1881560 UI: Poor UX for adding machine that's network booted into MAAS 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1888946 #1888946 Add ability to prevent image updates for a given image 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1896292 #1896292 observed IP is not released if dynamic range is modified before lease expire 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1901905 #1901905 Updating DNS records yields unexpected results 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1916757 #1916757 MAAS API calls with an empty POST envelope fails 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1921616 #1921616 Allow tuning of IPMI wait_time on power change 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1922620 #1922620 Oversized client machine log makes machine state stuck in "deploying" 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1936972 #1936972 MAAS deploys fail if host has NIC w/ random MAC 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1937274 #1937274 Switching from Ubuntu version to another leaves the selected kernel version stuck, resulting in incorrect path 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1940998 #1940998 dhcp snippets not working in acquired state 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1949901 #1949901 More granular permissions (and documentation about it) 4 Medium Bill Wear  7 Triaged
1950395 #1950395 Surface the allowable storage layouts for a given machine 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1950648 #1950648 Potential DB threadpool exhaustion issue in 4 Medium Jacopo Rota  7 Triaged
1953388 #1953388 Default gateway is not set 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1955023 #1955023 RBAC rules are applied incorrectly against AZ objects 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1955912 #1955912 "Error: An architecture is required" on compose VM screen 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1962378 #1962378 maas 3.1 vs maas-cli 0.6.5 snap partial commands support 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1964143 #1964143 Cannot deploy with newly synced images 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1965554 #1965554 connection closed while executing maas command 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1966666 #1966666 maas.log on snapped version is not rotating 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1973804 #1973804 Impossible to add virtual machine 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1974480 #1974480 changing image source forces re-select all images and architecture individually step by step 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1975476 #1975476 In the UI, after selecting two interfaces to create a network bond, app hangs and loads forever 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1976954 #1976954 Failed commissioning, 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1977661 #1977661 Create Bridge and Bond buttons grayed out where they should not be 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1978957 #1978957 Maas with RBAC fails random commands with: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1980000 #1980000 dhcpd.conf not written due to byte size of hosts value in rpc 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1988148 #1988148 MaaS tutorial for creating pods is outdated 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1990871 #1990871 TestPostgresListenerService - test_handles_missing_system_handler_onnotification 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1990889 #1990889 TestRegionProtocol_SendEventMACAddress - test_send_event_mac_address_stores_event 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1992704 #1992704 KVM hosts can be removed even with locked KVMs composed 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1993090 #1993090 MAAS hardcodes LXD channel=latest for LXD VM host 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1994943 #1994943 No SSH pub key content or fingerprint in WebUI 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1995070 #1995070 MAAS TLS offers CBC ciphers 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1997000 #1997000 `Mark Broken` and `Mark Fixed` permissions are too restrictive and inconsistent 4 Medium Igor Brovtsin  7 Triaged
1998221 #1998221 Fails to discover IPv6 address on iDRAC 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2002528 #2002528 MAAS cannot reach Vault via a proxy 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2003925 #2003925 Provisioning LXD vmhost fails in 3.3-rc3 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2006958 #2006958 some VMs report machine down 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2007192 #2007192 Blank DNS entry won’t delete 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2008273 #2008273 networks on controllers not detected when proxy is present 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2008454 #2008454 Commissioning fails when a node is rebooted in the middle - No such file or directory: '/var/run/lldpd.socket' 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2009312 #2009312 Missing /MAAS/api/2.0/describe/ from the API doc 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2009541 #2009541 MAAS complains about commissioning release during initial setup 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2011733 #2011733 Commission fails testing on smartctl because drive serial numbers don't match 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2013167 #2013167 Unable to amend the choice once the whole group of nodes is selected 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2017155 #2017155 "Different channel detected" error with an air-gapped deployment 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2019235 #2019235 `machines creates` complain about invalid architecture while it's in fact missing an image 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2023339 #2023339 Importing boot-resources always bring back the full set of resources 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2034940 #2034940 /api/docs/ does not show correct documentation 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2038414 #2038414 grafana dashboards use non existing metrics 4 Medium   7 Triaged
2039952 #2039952 bind restarts many times during the day 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1617598 #1617598 Unclear log - 'cannot update service status' after install 5 Low   7 Triaged
1663324 #1663324 MAAS Region Controller fails to install using external postgres via debconf 5 Low   7 Triaged
1773405 #1773405 MAAS uses 0 for untagged vlan's vid 5 Low   7 Triaged
1807438 #1807438 MAAS allows removing a HW test script while its running 5 Low   7 Triaged
1811386 #1811386 Machine event log sometimes show an (i) icon, but doesn't explain what it means 5 Low   7 Triaged
1831090 #1831090 maas complains about unavailable image when it is available 5 Low   7 Triaged
1833767 #1833767 Removing cookies in browser causes internal server error 5 Low   7 Triaged
1863906 #1863906 No websocket method for adding chassis 5 Low   7 Triaged
1868768 #1868768 MAAS incorrectly identifies controller hardware after container move 5 Low   7 Triaged
1878124 #1878124 maas-ui Makefile does not detect source changes to trigger rebuild 5 Low   7 Triaged
1881360 #1881360 Interfaces that have failed tests have confusing status 5 Low   7 Triaged
1884087 #1884087 MAAS Notifications should require user=True, admin=True or both. 5 Low   7 Triaged
1884157 #1884157 Creating a machine with an existing IPMI IP results in db contraint error 5 Low   7 Triaged
1884250 #1884250 The MAAS `users create` API should allow True/False for is_superuser 5 Low   7 Triaged
1886866 #1886866 UI reports incorrect status for enlisting nodes 5 Low   7 Triaged
1893135 #1893135 Interface link-subnet fails saying "subnet": "None found", however the subnet exists 5 Low   7 Triaged
1896282 #1896282 VIP failovers do not update the IPs named is listening on 5 Low   7 Triaged
1918976 #1918976 IBM Z DPM Partitions require a /boot partition when using LVM/RAID 5 Low   7 Triaged
1932554 #1932554 Content parameter for commissioning-scripts and node-scripts is not helpful 5 Low Bill Wear  7 Triaged
1939949 #1939949 snap.maas.supervisor DENIED 5 Low   7 Triaged
1947878 #1947878 virtual-machines APIs not available in the CLI 5 Low   7 Triaged
1950106 #1950106 Send websocket notify when general data updates 5 Low   7 Triaged
1952156 #1952156 Deleting a dynamic range and recreating it may fail 5 Low   7 Triaged
1961269 #1961269 MAAS doesn't shutdown gracefully 5 Low   7 Triaged
1969510 #1969510 MAAS deletes image architectures if you delete all images of that architecture 5 Low   7 Triaged
1975750 #1975750 MAAS netplan config uses deprecated items 5 Low   7 Triaged
1982276 #1982276 Possible race condition when enabling TLS 5 Low   7 Triaged
1989985 #1989985 Prevent users from composing a VM if we know it will fail due to missing image 5 Low   7 Triaged
1996500 #1996500 UI: Subnets page pagination - a group can be displayed on two pages 5 Low   7 Triaged
1997007 #1997007 Obscure error message when region without racks fails to retreive LXD projects list 5 Low   7 Triaged
2002525 #2002525 HTTP 500 on malformed OAuth request 5 Low   7 Triaged
2003182 #2003182 domainname has type str but used as type None. 5 Low   7 Triaged
2007854 #2007854 Wrong path to .gpg file 5 Low   7 Triaged
2007868 #2007868 vm-hosts read type=virsh returns Connection refused 5 Low   7 Triaged
2009876 #2009876 MAAS rack server triggers Apparmor denial on virsh KVM SSH host interactions 5 Low   7 Triaged
2012465 #2012465 UI: overcommit ratio is not editable using the text box 5 Low   7 Triaged
1919038 #1919038 maas rack controller with duplicate hostname 6 Wishlist   7 Triaged
2039737 #2039737 3.4.0-RC1 - Page sizing on machine table doesn't work 1 Undecided   7 Triaged
2015411 #2015411 StaticIPAddress matching query does not exist. 3 High Anton Troyanov  8 In Progress
2040188 #2040188 MAAS config option for IPMI cipher suite ID is not passed to bmc-config script 3 High   8 In Progress
2029417 #2029417 RPC failure to contact rack/region - operations on closed handler 3 High Jacopo Rota  9 Fix Committed
2034014 #2034014 Conflict error during w3 request 3 High Jacopo Rota  9 Fix Committed
2042847 #2042847 Machines commonly appear in reverse alphabetical order 4 Medium   9 Fix Committed
1928873 #1928873 MAAS Web UI doesn't allow specifying soft stop_mode 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
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