MAAS 1.6.0

Milestone information

Julian Edwards
Release registered:
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5 Blake Rouse, 1 Diogo Matsubara, 2 Dustin Kirkland , 1 Gavin Panella, 5 Graham Binns, 2 Jason Hobbs, 7 Jeroen T. Vermeulen, 15 Julian Edwards, 4 Newell Jensen, 13 Raphaël Badin
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
55 Fix Released

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Release notes 


Special notice:
  Cluster interfaces now have static IP ranges in order to give nodes stable
  IP addresses. You need to set the range in each interface to turn on this
  feature. See below for details.

Major new features

IP addresses overhaul.
  This release contains a total reworking of IP address allocation. You can
  now define a separate "static" range in each cluster interface configuration
  that is separate from the DHCP server's dynamic range. Any node in use by
  a user will receive an IP address from the static range that is guaranteed
  not to change during its allocated lifetime. Previously, this was at the
  whim of the DHCP server despite MAAS placing host maps in its configuration.

  Currently, dynamic IP addresses will continue to receive DNS entries so as
  to maintain backward compatibility with installations being upgraded from
  1.5. However, this will be changed in a future release to only give
  DNS entries to static IPs.

  You can also use the API to `reserve IP addresses`_ on a per-user basis.

.. _reserve IP addresses:

Support for additional OSes.
  MAAS can now install operating systems other than Ubuntu on nodes.
  Preliminary beta support exists for CentOS and SuSE via the `Curtin`_ "fast"
  installer. This has not been thoroughly tested yet and has been provided
  in case anyone finds this useful and is willing to help find and report bugs.

Minor notable changes

DNS entries
  In 1.5 DNS entries for nodes were a CNAME record. As of 1.6, they are now
  all "A" records, which allows for reliable reverse look-ups.

  Only nodes that are allocated to a user and started will receive "A" record
  entries. Unallocated nodes no longer have DNS entries.

Removal of bootresources.yaml
  The bootresources.yaml file, which had to be configured separately on each
  cluster controller, is no longer in use. Instead, the configuration for
  which images to download is now held by the region controller, and defaults
  to downloading all images for LTS releases. A `rudimentary API`_ is
  available to manipulate this configuration.

.. _rudimentary API:

Fast installer is now the default
  Prevously, the slower Debian installer was used by default. Any newly-
  enlisted nodes will now use the newer `fast installer`_. Existing nodes
  will keep the installer setting that they already have.

.. _fast installer:


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 55 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1307779 #1307779 fallback from specific to generic subarch broken 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1310082 #1310082 d-i with precise+hwe-s stops at "Architecture not supported" 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1314174 #1314174 Autodetection of the IPMI IP address fails when the 'power_address' of the power parameters is empty. 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1314267 #1314267 MAAS dhcpd will re-issue leases for nodes 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1317675 #1317675 Exception powering down a virsh machine 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1322256 #1322256 Import boot resources failing to verify keyring 2 Critical Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1322336 #1322336 import_boot_images crashes with KeyError on 'keyring' 2 Critical Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1322606 #1322606 maas-import-pxe-files fails when run from the command line 2 Critical Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1324237 #1324237 call_and_check does not report error output 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1326178 #1326178 needs to be updated for 'createadmin' 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1328659 #1328659 import_boot_images task fails on utopic 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1332596 #1332596 AddrFormatError: failed to detect a valid IP address from None executing upload_dhcp_leases task 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1332730 #1332730 error: can't copy 'scripts/maas-generate-winrm-cert': doesn't exist or not a regular file 2 Critical Diogo Matsubara  10 Fix Released
1336709 #1336709 claim_static_ip does not work for IPADDRESS_TYPE.USER_RESERVED 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1338402 #1338402 Static IP range can be changed with no checks that it would exclude currently allocated IPs 2 Critical Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1338452 #1338452 Possible to re-assign same static IP address 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1338690 #1338690 upgrade to 1.6 causes boot images to disappear 2 Critical Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1339631 #1339631 Enlistment fails on IPv6: DataError: cannot AND inet values of different sizes 2 Critical Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1341001 #1341001 maas.tgt not rewritten on 1.5 -> 1.6 cluster upgrade 2 Critical Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1342135 #1342135 ntp server field requires an ip address 2 Critical Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1344089 #1344089 IntegrityError after upgrading to 1.6beta5 2 Critical Gavin Panella  10 Fix Released
1353597 #1353597 PowerNV: format_bootif should make sure mac address is all lowercase 2 Critical Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1190986 #1190986 [SRU] ERROR Nonce already used 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1250370 #1250370 "sudo maas-import-ephemerals" steps on ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1250435 #1250435 CNAME record leaks into juju's private-address, breaks host based access control 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1305758 #1305758 Import fails while writing maas.meta: No such file or directory 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1308292 #1308292 Unhelpful error when re-enlisting a previously enlisted node 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1309601 #1309601 maas-enlist prints "successfully enlisted" even when enlistment fails. 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1309729 #1309729 Fast path installer is not the default 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1310844 #1310844 find_ip_via_arp() results in unpredictable, and in some cases, incorrect IP addresses 3 High Dustin Kirkland   10 Fix Released
1310846 #1310846 amt template gives up way too easily 3 High Dustin Kirkland   10 Fix Released
1312844 #1312844 MAAS commissioning page shows distributions that are not available 3 High Graham Binns  10 Fix Released
1312863 #1312863 MAAS fails to detect SuperMicro-based server's power type 3 High Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1314536 #1314536 Copyright date in web UI is 2012 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1315160 #1315160 no support for different operating systems 3 High Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1316627 #1316627 API needed to allocate and return an extra IP for a container 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1323291 #1323291 Can't re-commission a commissioning node 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1323307 #1323307 Spurious test failure: get_first_booter sorts lexicographically, test assumes numerically 3 High Jason Hobbs  10 Fix Released
1323542 #1323542 Build of man pages fails: man/_static/ does not exist 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1324268 #1324268 maas-cli 'nodes list' or 'node read <system_id>' doesn't display the osystem or distro_series node fields 3 High Newell Jensen  10 Fix Released
1325927 #1325927 YUI.Array.each not working as expected 3 High Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1328656 #1328656 MAAS sends multiple stop_dhcp_server tasks even though there's no dhcp server running. 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1331139 #1331139 IP is inconsistently capitalized on the 'edit a cluster interface' page 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1331148 #1331148 When editing a cluster interface, last 3 fields are unintuitive 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1331165 #1331165 Please do not hardcode the IP address of Canonical services into MAAS managed DHCP configs 3 High Julian Edwards  10 Fix Released
1337190 #1337190 Spurious test failure: 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1337246 #1337246 Spurious failure: maasserver.tests.test_api.TestNodeGroupInterfacesAPI.test_new_creates_interface 3 High Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1340321 #1340321 MAASClient.get should not be able to receive un-ordered iterables 3 High Newell Jensen  10 Fix Released
1353393 #1353393 bootsources.rst uses "sudo" for no clear reason 3 High Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1307693 #1307693 Enlisting a SeaMicro or Virsh chassis twice will not replace the missing entries 4 Medium Newell Jensen  10 Fix Released
1337437 #1337437 [SRU] maas needs utopic support 4 Medium Blake Rouse  10 Fix Released
1337683 #1337683 The API client MAASClient doesn't encode list parameters when doing a GET 4 Medium Newell Jensen  10 Fix Released
1311726 #1311726 No documentation about the supported power types and the related power parameters. 5 Low Raphaël Badin  10 Fix Released
1274085 #1274085 error when maas can't meet juju constraints is confusing and not helpful 6 Wishlist Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
1354511 #1354511 check_commissioning fails test: test_check_with_commissioning_but_not_expired_node 1 Undecided Jeroen T. Vermeulen  10 Fix Released
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