kuryr-kubernetes pike-3 "p-3"

Milestone information

Code name:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
9 Antoni Segura Puimedon, 1 Daniel Mellado, 1 Irena Berezovsky, 1 Luis Tomas Bolivar, 1 Maysa de Macedo Souza, 1 Michal Dulko, 1 Yash Gupta, 1 vikas choudhary
6 Implemented
1 Invalid, 1 Triaged, 1 In Progress, 8 Fix Released

6 blueprints and 11 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Create a tempest plugin for kuryr Create a tempest plugin for kuryr 5 Essential Daniel Mellado  11 Implemented
Support using Octavia as the service backend Support using Octavia as the service backend 5 Essential Antoni Segura Puimedon  11 Implemented
We should be able to have controller and CNI authenticate with k8s with bearer tokens We should be able to have controller and CNI authenticate with k8s with bearer tokens 4 High Antoni Segura Puimedon  11 Implemented
Allow pods to access the kubernetes API via load balancers Allow pods to access the kubernetes API via load balancers 3 Medium Antoni Segura Puimedon  11 Implemented
Load opts and config from drivers and handlers Load opts and config from drivers and handlers 3 Medium Irena Berezovsky  11 Implemented
Make Kuryr CNI and controller installable via kubeadm Make Kuryr CNI and controller installable via kubeadm 3 Medium Michal Dulko  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1699803 #1699803 Pod does not start if cni deployed as a network add-on 3 High vikas choudhary  3 Invalid
1673832 #1673832 os_vif.plug() at cni fails with privsep issue when using ovs-firewall 3 High Antoni Segura Puimedon  7 Triaged
1681338 #1681338 kuryr-k8s may not work properly in a multi-cni cluster 3 High Yash Gupta  8 In Progress
1707180 #1707180 Octavia load balancers fail to load balance services 2 Critical Antoni Segura Puimedon  10 Fix Released
1693378 #1693378 baremetal devstack kubelet can't do network probes to pods 3 High   10 Fix Released
1697279 #1697279 devstack fail when create_k8s_router_fake_service in overcloud 3 High Antoni Segura Puimedon  10 Fix Released
1697942 #1697942 Endpoint-less Services keep the lbaasspec handler endlessly retrying 3 High Luis Tomas Bolivar  10 Fix Released
1705429 #1705429 kuryr-k8s does not reconnect to API in case of API restart 3 High Maysa de Macedo Souza  10 Fix Released
1707009 #1707009 devstack host can't probe pods 3 High Antoni Segura Puimedon  10 Fix Released
1694914 #1694914 devstack tries to stack docker even when the docker service is not explicitly enabled 4 Medium Antoni Segura Puimedon  10 Fix Released
1695735 #1695735 devstack deployment info is missing 4 Medium Antoni Segura Puimedon  10 Fix Released
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