juju-core 1.21.3

Milestone information

Curtis Hovey
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Dimiter Naydenov, 1 Francesco Banconi, 2 Horacio Durán, 1 Wayne Witzel III
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
5 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon juju-setup-1.21.3-signed.exe (md5, sig) Signed Windows installer for the juju client 301
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon juju-1.21.3-osx.tar.gz (md5, sig) OS X juju commands tarball 10
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon juju-setup-1.21.3.exe (md5, sig) Windows installer for the juju client 21
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
download icon juju-core_1.21.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) Juju-core release 30
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 362

Release notes 

#juju-core 1.21.3

A new stable release of Juju, juju-core 1.21.3, is released.
This release may replaces 1.21.1.

## Getting Juju

juju-core 1.21.3 is available for utopic and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:


Windows and OS X users will find installers at:


## Notable Changes

This releases addresses stability and performance issues.

## Resolved issues

* Unable to override network-bridge if container type is kvm (local
  Lp 1416134

* Src/bitbucket.org/kardianos/osext/license is wrong
  Lp 1416425

* Github.com/juju/syslog has contradicting licensing info
  Lp 1416433

* Some files refer to an include license file that is not included
  Lp 1416430

* Github.com/juju/utils has contradictory licence info
  Lp 1416436

* Juju restore no longer works with azure: error: cannot re-bootstrap
  environment: cannot determine state server instances: environment is
  not bootstrapped
  Lp 1417178

* Unit ports not populated by api megawatcher
  Lp 1418433

* Apt-proxy can be incorrectly set when the fallback from http-proxy
  is used
  Lp 1417617

* Juju agent using lxcbr0 address as apiaddress instead of juju-br0
  breaks agents
  Lp 1416928

* Juju-quickstart: bad api server response: 'nonetype' object is not
  Lp 1420403

* Error juju.worker runner.go:219 exited "rsyslog": x509: certificate
  signed by unknown authority
  Lp 1417875

* Juju references old dns-name and ip addresses after restore. (failed
  juju ssh)
  Lp 1420316

* Ensure-availability fails with 'failed to find any voting machines'
  after backup/restore.
  Lp 1420306


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