juju-core 1.19.1

Milestone information

Curtis Hovey
Release registered:
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Assigned to you:
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7 Andrew Wilkins, 2 Curtis Hovey, 1 Dimiter Naydenov, 1 Horacio Durán, 4 Ian Booth, 8 John A Meinel, 1 José Antonio Rey, 1 Kapil Thangavelu, 1 Martin Packman, 1 Michael Hudson-Doyle, 3 Nate Finch, 1 Roger Peppe, 1 Tim Penhey, 1 Vladislav Klyachin, 5 William Reade
1 Beta Available
40 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon juju-setup-1.19.1.exe (md5, sig) Windows installer for the juju client 23
last downloaded 52 weeks ago
download icon juju-core_1.19.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Juju-core release 59
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 82

Release notes 

juju-core 1.19.1

A new development release of Juju, juju-core 1.19.1, is now available.

Getting Juju

juju-core 1.19.1 is available for trusty and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:

Upgrading from stable releases to development releases is not
supported. You can upgrade test environments to development releases
to test new features and fixes, but it is not advised to upgrade
production environments to 1.19.1.

If you are using a development release of juju-core, and find you need
to go back to a stable release, you can find it in the juju stable PPA:

If you have multiple sources of juju-core, you can select the version
you want using apt:
    sudo apt-get install juju-core=1.18.1*

New and Notable

* High Availability

* Support for Multiple NICs with the Same MAC

* Constraints Support instance-type

Resolved issues

* Git usage can trigger disk space/memory issues for charms with blobs
  Lp 1232304

* Juju upgrade-charm fails because of git
  Lp 1297559

* .pyc files caused upgrade-charm to fail with merge conflicts
  Lp 1191028

* Juju backup command fails against trusty bootstrap node
  Lp 1305780

* mongodb-server installed instead of juju-mongodb on trusty
  Lp 1310719

* MAAS provider cannot provision named instance
  Lp 1237709

* Manual provider specify bash as shell for ubuntu user
  Lp 1303195

* Stale lock causes local provider unit to be stuck pending
  Lp 1302935

* Local provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host
  Lp 1306537

* Local provider machines do not boot without default-series
  Lp 1309805

* The juju-local package doesn't state that lxc 1.0.0+ is required
  Lp 1311909

* Juju client is not using the floating ip to connect to the state
  Lp 1308767

* Juju bootstrap defaults to i386
  Lp 1304407

* Juju crash during bootstrap on arm64
  Lp 1298085

* juju status panic() when unable to parse .jenv
  Lp 1312136

* Juju authorised-keys should have an authorized-keys alias
  Lp 1312537

High Availability

The juju state-server (bootstrap node) can be placed into high
availability mode. Juju will automatically recover when one or more the
state-servers fail. You can use the 'ensure-availability' command to
create the additional state-servers:

    juju ensure-availability

The 'ensure-availability' command create's 3 state servers by default,
but you may use the '-n' option to specify a larger number. The number
of state servers must be odd. The command supports the '--series' and
'--constraints' options like the 'bootstrap' command. You can learn more
details by running 'juju ensure-availability --help'

Support Multiple NICs with the Same MAC

Juju now supports multiple physical and virtual network interfaces with
the same MAC address on the same machine. Juju takes care of this
automatically, there is nothing you need to do.

Caution, network settings are not upgraded from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1. If you
used juju 1.19.0 to deploy an environment with specified networks, you
must redeploy your environment instead of upgrading to 1.19.1.

Constraints Support instance-type

You can specify 'instance-type' with the '--constraints' option to
select a specific image defined by the cloud provider. The
'instance-type' constraint can be used with Azure, EC2, HP Cloud, and
all OpenStack-based clouds. For example, when creating an EC2
environment, you can specify 'm1.small':

    juju bootstrap --constraints instance-type=m1.small

Constraints are validated by all providers to ensure values conflicts
and unsupported options are rejected. Previously, juju would reconcile
such problems and select an image, possibly one that didn't meet the
needs of the service.


We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at
juju-dev@lists.canonical.com, or join us on #juju-dev on freenode.


This release does not have a changelog.

1 blueprint and 40 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Support MaaS VLANs in Juju Support MaaS VLANs in Juju 5 Essential   8 Beta Available
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1232304 #1232304 git usage can trigger diskspace/memory issues for charms with blobs 2 Critical William Reade  10 Fix Released
1304407 #1304407 juju bootstrap defaults to i386 2 Critical Nate Finch  10 Fix Released
1305780 #1305780 juju-backup command fails against trusty bootstrap node 2 Critical Horacio Durán  10 Fix Released
1307513 #1307513 Support multiple (physical & virtual) network interfaces with the same MAC address on the same machine 2 Critical Dimiter Naydenov  10 Fix Released
1308263 #1308263 /var/lib/juju/tools/ error while loading shared libraries: libgo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2 Critical Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1309108 #1309108 upgrade-juju fails on all providers 2 Critical Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1310719 #1310719 mongodb-server installed instead of juju-mongodb on trusty 2 Critical Nate Finch  10 Fix Released
1311825 #1311825 test failure UniterSuite.TestUniterUpgradeConflicts 2 Critical William Reade  10 Fix Released
803042 #803042 The "bootstrap node" needs high availability 3 High Roger Peppe  10 Fix Released
1191028 #1191028 .pyc files caused update-charm to fail with merge conflicts 3 High William Reade  10 Fix Released
1213668 #1213668 Unknown constraint "instance-type" 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1237626 #1237626 constraints should be validated 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1237709 #1237709 MAAS provider: cannot provision named instance 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1268470 #1268470 api-endpoints should use the API rather than direct Provider State access 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1280696 #1280696 manual provider shouldn't reverse map ip address 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1282692 #1282692 BootstrapSuite.TestWaitSSHKilledWaitingForAddresses often fails 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1285803 #1285803 [Joyent Provider] metadata mismatch when testing again Joyent Public Cloud 3 High   10 Fix Released
1297066 #1297066 azure: document availability set support 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1297559 #1297559 upgrade-charm fails because of git 3 High William Reade  10 Fix Released
1298085 #1298085 juju-core crash during bootstrap on arm64 3 High Michael Hudson-Doyle  10 Fix Released
1302935 #1302935 Stale lock causes local provider unit to be stuck pending 3 High Tim Penhey  10 Fix Released
1303195 #1303195 manual provider specify bash as shell for ubuntu user 3 High Kapil Thangavelu  10 Fix Released
1306537 #1306537 LXC local provider fails to provision precise instances from a trusty host 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1307297 #1307297 trivial: typo in error message 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1307727 #1307727 EnvironManager and replica set status is invisible 3 High   10 Fix Released
1308487 #1308487 api.Open should write the successful address first 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1309805 #1309805 LXC / Local provider machines do not boot without default-series 3 High José Antonio Rey  10 Fix Released
1310255 #1310255 juju-run failure /var/lib/juju/system-identity not accessible in HA 3 High Vladislav Klyachin  10 Fix Released
1310258 #1310258 APIHostPorts returns 'localhost' and '' 3 High Martin Packman  10 Fix Released
1310893 #1310893 Juju client bootstraps agent newer than itself 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1311005 #1311005 openstack: tests leak sockets 3 High Andrew Wilkins  10 Fix Released
1311083 #1311083 juju ensure-availability should default to -n=3 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1311089 #1311089 juju ensure-availability should default series to the current API series 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1311676 #1311676 if the provisioner fails to find tools for one machine it fails to provision the others 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1311909 #1311909 juju 1.18 (local provider) depends on lxc 1.0.0 but nothing forces it to install on precise 3 High Curtis Hovey  10 Fix Released
1311955 #1311955 TestSupportedSeries failure (missing "utopic") 3 High Ian Booth  10 Fix Released
1312119 #1312119 juju status in local provider reports "state-server-member-status: adding-vote" 3 High Nate Finch  10 Fix Released
1312136 #1312136 juju status panic() when unable to parse .jenv 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1312537 #1312537 juju authorised-keys should have an authorized-keys alias 3 High John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
1281583 #1281583 Juju should NOT put a .git directory in $CHARM_DIR 5 Low William Reade  10 Fix Released
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