Fuel for OpenStack 8.0-mu-4

Milestone information

Fuel for OpenStack
Denis Meltsaykin
Release registered:
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1 Alexandru Avadanii, 1 Alexey Lebedeff, 1 Alexey Stepanov, 8 Alexey Stupnikov, 14 Anton Chevychalov, 1 Denis Egorenko, 1 Denis Meltsaykin, 1 Denis Puchkin, 1 Dmitry Mescheryakov, 1 Fuel Python (Deprecated), 1 Ivan, 1 Ivan Ponomarev, 2 Ivan Udovichenko, 2 MOS Maintenance, 3 Maksim Malchuk, 1 Nikita Zubkov, 3 Rodion Tikunov, 1 Roman Vyalov, 2 Sergey Abramov, 10 Sergii Rizvan, 1 Tatyanka, 1 Vladimir Kozhukalov
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
58 Fix Released

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0 blueprints and 58 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1552956 #1552956 typo in ubuntu.yaml breaks mos-holdback repo 2 Critical Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1554086 #1554086 OSTF gate tests failed on prepare database invocation 2 Critical Tatyanka  10 Fix Released
1583173 #1583173 MySQL OCF RA action monitor must check if a seed node is running the most recent of known GTIDs 2 Critical Denis Puchkin  10 Fix Released
1630374 #1630374 fuel-library gate tests failed due rubygems dependencies 2 Critical Maksim Malchuk  10 Fix Released
1642377 #1642377 Race during provision may cause provision to be very slow or fail 2 Critical Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1642794 #1642794 nginx keeps writing to rotated logs 2 Critical Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1652826 #1652826 [fuel-library] unit tests fail with nokogiri-1.7.0 requires ruby version >= 2.1.0 2 Critical Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1423328 #1423328 Resetting cluster resets user defined disk layout 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1506112 #1506112 Incorrect remote logs symlinks on master node lead to deployment failure after several redeployments 3 High Rodion Tikunov  10 Fix Released
1509069 #1509069 mysql puppet module doesn't created grants correctly 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1537699 #1537699 Provisioning issue - LV for /var/log causes incorrect /var/log content 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1538587 #1538587 EXT4-fs Kernel Panic when Delete/Reset Environment - remove nodes 3 High Fuel Python (Deprecated)  10 Fix Released
1539115 #1539115 network template install: no human readable error message 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1541819 #1541819 RabbitMQ beam.smp and rabbitmqctl segfaults sporadically leading to different issues with deployment and scalability 3 High Alexey Lebedeff  10 Fix Released
1543357 #1543357 Unable set hostname in fuelmenu 3 High Maksim Malchuk  10 Fix Released
1550303 #1550303 HA for RPC queues leads to triple load on RabbitMQ without significant benefit 3 High Dmitry Mescheryakov  10 Fix Released
1550984 #1550984 Diagnostic snapshot doesn't contain MySQL resources (logs and configs) from the controllers 3 High Maksim Malchuk  10 Fix Released
1552349 #1552349 udevadm doesn't have a --quiet option anymore in Debian Jessie and up 3 High Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1554970 #1554970 [nailgun agent] untimely lshw command run observation 3 High Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1558963 #1558963 umm.sh doesn't work inside pacemaker checks and produse a lot of ussles information in log file 3 High Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1561092 #1561092 [upgrade][8.0] Mcollective on slaves can hang after upgrade 3 High Sergey Abramov  10 Fix Released
1561241 #1561241 object store doesn't work for members 3 High Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1582120 #1582120 AttributeError during provisioning state, when uploading list of vm 3 High Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1584190 #1584190 fuel-ostf heat-autoscaling fails on complicated environments with timeout error 3 High MOS Maintenance  10 Fix Released
1585722 #1585722 fuel master nginx has debug turned on for the error logs 3 High Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1590093 #1590093 radosgw initialization failed if OSDs are not available during 5 minutes 3 High Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1595957 #1595957 /etc/sysctl.conf values do not apply to vrouter namespace 3 High Ivan Ponomarev  10 Fix Released
1598154 #1598154 Reset RabbitMQ's net_ticktime to default 60 seconds 3 High Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1603842 #1603842 dockerctl backup fails if containers are already paused 3 High Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1604879 #1604879 no object storage deployed if ceph selected for images but not for objects 3 High Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1606613 #1606613 [Upgrade] Octane fuel-restore command changes nailgun password 3 High Nikita Zubkov  10 Fix Released
1607117 #1607117 Logrotate config missed for ceph 3 High Rodion Tikunov  10 Fix Released
1616925 #1616925 [upgrade] Node can not be rebooted while upgrading 3 High Sergey Abramov  10 Fix Released
1619316 #1619316 [8.0] Job 8.0-build.late.artifacts fails constantly 3 High Ivan  10 Fix Released
1627776 #1627776 MTU settings disappear 3 High Vladimir Kozhukalov  10 Fix Released
1634104 #1634104 verify-fuel-astute failed with activesupport required ruby>=2.2.2 3 High Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1640014 #1640014 Fuel erases first 10 megabytes of every disk mounted to fuel nodes 3 High Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1640559 #1640559 Recent fuel-library update breaks VMs migration 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1641632 #1641632 Fuel 8.0 Diagnostic Snapshot loops 3 High Alexey Stupnikov  10 Fix Released
1657707 #1657707 We can reach DBDuplicateEntry error in Galera cluster when node enters or leaves a cluster 3 High Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1491356 #1491356 [system-test] Not enough 600 sec to collect log snapshot on huge environments 4 Medium Denis Meltsaykin  10 Fix Released
1540133 #1540133 Publicurl for a swift/v1 endpoint contains IP address instead of FQDN when swift is launched using ceph 4 Medium Denis Egorenko  10 Fix Released
1558627 #1558627 pcs resource list don't working 4 Medium Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1573696 #1573696 Fix calculation of erlang thread pool size for rabbitmq 4 Medium MOS Maintenance  10 Fix Released
1597250 #1597250 atop logrotate number of kept files is too small 4 Medium Rodion Tikunov  10 Fix Released
1602434 #1602434 Fail to establish connection to keystone in case if master node has big numbers of cpu 4 Medium Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1621024 #1621024 Fuel-octane produces colorized output even if colors could not be parsed 4 Medium Alexey Stepanov  10 Fix Released
1631316 #1631316 nova package for 8.0 edits existing nova.conf while upgrading 4 Medium Ivan Udovichenko  10 Fix Released
1649895 #1649895 [fuel-library] CentOS 7.3 version misinterpreted as 6.x 4 Medium Alexandru Avadanii  10 Fix Released
1655358 #1655358 python-designate-dashboard package needed to enable designate in Horizon 4 Medium Ivan Udovichenko  10 Fix Released
1655963 #1655963 [designate-dashboard] Create openstack-ci/fuel-8.0/liberty branches for the project 4 Medium Roman Vyalov  10 Fix Released
1681851 #1681851 gate-fuel-library-puppet-lint fails with Could not find gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper' 4 Medium Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1528686 #1528686 Pacemaker logs contain errors from 'umm' utility: 'p_rabbitmq-server_start_0:22168:stderr [ /usr/bin/umm: line 40: runlevel: command not found ]' 5 Low Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1637089 #1637089 Vulnerable httpd package on Fuel node (cobbler image) 5 Low Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1646744 #1646744 A web directory was found to be browsable (Cobbler) 5 Low Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1646761 #1646761 TLS/SSL Server Supports Anonymous Cipher Suites with no Key Authentication (Cobbler, TCP port 443) 5 Low Sergii Rizvan  10 Fix Released
1646772 #1646772 Vulnerable version OpenSSL 1.0.1e found (Cobbler) 5 Low Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
1646789 #1646789 http-generic-click-jacking (Cobbler) 5 Low Anton Chevychalov  10 Fix Released
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