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pike-2 (pike-2) release from the pike series released

Release information
Release notes:

Currently Freezer provides basic features to execute Cinder volumes backup. The current approach present significant challenges, due mainly to the difficulty of downloading Cinder Volumes without passing through Glance. This can be an issue for time and scalability reasons, (i.e. volumes of few hundreds GB size, potential error probability increase, as more services are part of the process, unailability of cinder-backup).

New Features

Added new backup engine called ‘os-brick’ which allows to backup and restore the content of cinder volumes attaching it directly to localhost using functionality of os-brick library.
Known Issues

There are could be a read/write file permisson issues if freezer-agent don’t have appropriate right to readwrite files to mounted FS.

Currently freezer-api...

File Description Downloads
download icon freezer- (md5, sig) freezer 116
last downloaded 37 weeks ago
download icon python-freezerclient-1.4.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) python-freezerclient 1.4.1 83
last downloaded 37 weeks ago
download icon freezer-web-ui- (md5, sig) freezer-web-ui 86
last downloaded 37 weeks ago
download icon freezer-dr- (md5, sig) freezer-dr 80
last downloaded 37 weeks ago
download icon freezer-api- (md5, sig) freezer-api 96
last downloaded 37 weeks ago
Total downloads: 461

pike-1 (pike-1) release from the pike series released

File Description Downloads
download icon freezer-web-ui- (md5, sig) freezer-web-ui 41
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon freezer-dr- (md5, sig) freezer-dr 58
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon freezer-api- (md5, sig) freezer-api 45
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon freezer_agent-20170405T144244Z.tgz (md5, sig) freezer-agent 43
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
Total downloads: 187