Registered by CoD

PHP framework with Sysadmins in mind.

The first version of the D.O.Mu.S. engine was developed in 2002/2003 an tested in many projects including some web applications for distributed editing of multilingual glossaries for the University of Genoa (Italy).

With the growth of interests around web applications and collaborative tools, the engine became a stand alone project, while many apps based on it were deployed. It was still developed by a single person (me) in his free time and with version 2.0 it became completely modular.

On top of D.O.Mu.S. were deployed:
- many multilingual glossaries IDEs
- two e-zines
- many websites, including common commercial websites outside the University
- some other projects (a customer management system, a moo, an experimental mugen)

Some D.O.Mu.S. sites have been attacked several times but they always reacted good: no code exposure and no intrusions succeeded.

I finally deiced to move the project to Launchpad and I decided to do it with the birth of version 3.0.
This new version is a complete re-write of the engine with the purpose of making it even more scalable, modular and, most important, aimed at enterprise solutions.

The main rule now is "You don't need what you don't use!".
With full control on installed components you can be sure of what is running on your servers.

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Programming languages:
PHP, Javascript

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  • CoD 23 points

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