Registered by Dcplusplus-team

This is a project aimed at producing a file sharing client using the ADC protocol. It also supports connecting to the Direct Connect network.

When asking a question, remember to ask it in English only. Also, please mention your operating system and your DC++ version. Don't forget to mark your questions as Open if you didn't find out your answer.

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View full history Series and milestones

trunk series is the current focus of development.


DC++ does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.


  • DC++ 0.881 is out on 2023-11-07
    A new testing release of DC++ 0.881 is now available with new icon set that f...
  • DC++ 0.880 is out on 2022-10-20
    A new testing release of DC++ 0.880 is now available with speed optimizations...
  • DC++ 0.871 is out on 2022-04-01
    Version 0.871 features very important updates of security and stability, ensu...
  • DC++ 0.870 is out on 2021-09-09
    Nearly 3 years after the previous version, DC++ 0.870 is now available to dow...
  • DC++ 0.868 is now available on 2018-11-25
    A year after the previous version, DC++ 0.868 is now available with various l...