Compiz Core

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Compiz Core
Daniel van Vugt
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1 Alan Griffiths, 10 Daniel van Vugt, 1 Sam Spilsbury
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12 Fix Released

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Release notes 

Compiz Core is a bug fix release.


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Release (2012-03-19 Daniel van Vugt <email address hidden>)

Bugs fixed (

    806255 - Unity/compiz intercepts keystrokes from grabbed windows.
    808007 - compiz crashed with signal 5 in Glib::exception_handlers_invoke()
    682788 - Global menu is not ergonomical on large screens
    931245 - Finish the implementation of the locally integrated menubars
    938417 - lp:compiz-core fails parallel builds (make -jN)
    943194 - [regression] Pressing alt doesn't show the menu title bar in top
    943612 - Alt+Right arrow key trigger a kind of Alt + Tab
    943851 - [unity 5.6] Pressing Alts steals focus from current widget,
             cannot compose characters with AltGr
    944979 - Quicklist are not showing if right-clicking a launcher icon in
             Expo mode if triggered by Super + S
    945373 - Regression: ALT + Drag doesn't behave how it should
    945816 - [regression] Changing the HUD shortcut disables all Alt-based
    946118 - screen.cpp:3281: virtual bool
             CompScreenImpl::addAction(CompAction*): Assertion
      `priv->initialized' failed.
    953089 - Unity 5.6: key bindings (such as Super) don't work on empty
             workspace or on slow/loaded systems

0 blueprints and 12 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
958540 #958540 [regression] [bnr] segfault caused by r3043 2 Critical Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
923410 #923410 HUD - closing a window with <Alt>+<F4> opens the hud 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
937815 #937815 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in max_window_name_width() 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
943194 #943194 [regression] Pressing alt doesn't show the menu title bar in top panel 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
943612 #943612 Alt+Right arrow key trigger a kind of Alt + Tab 3 High Sam Spilsbury  10 Fix Released
943851 #943851 [unity 5.6] Pressing Alts steals focus from current widget, cannot compose characters with AltGr 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
808007 #808007 compiz crashed with signal 5 in Glib::exception_handlers_invoke() 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
938417 #938417 lp:compiz-core fails parallel builds (make -jN) 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
944979 #944979 Quicklist are not showing if right-clicking a launcher icon in Expo mode if triggered by Super + S 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
945373 #945373 Regression: ALT + Drag doesn't behave how it should 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
945816 #945816 [regression] Changing the HUD shortcut disables all Alt-based combinations. And changing the Dash shortcut disables all Super-based shortcuts. 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
946118 #946118 screen.cpp:3281: virtual bool CompScreenImpl::addAction(CompAction*): Assertion `priv->initialized' failed. 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
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