Juju Charms Collection 16.04

Milestone information

Juju Charms Collection
Trusty Tahr
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
4 Alex Kavanagh, 1 Antoni Segura Puimedon, 5 Billy Olsen, 2 Björn Tillenius, 7 Chris Holcombe, 1 Chris Johnston, 4 David Ames, 42 Edward Hope-Morley, 16 James Page, 2 Leonardo Borda, 31 Liam Young, 1 Liang Chen, 1 Peter Sabaini, 2 Ryan Beisner, 2 Seyeong Kim
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
4 Invalid, 1 Won't Fix, 128 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 133 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1432664 #1432664 switch to using /etc/network/interfaces for link management 3 High   3 Invalid
1432664 #1432664 switch to using /etc/network/interfaces for link management 3 High   3 Invalid
1568687 #1568687 swift-proxy - can't find openstack version for package 3 High   3 Invalid
1548478 #1548478 ceph amulet tests failing after config option removed from nova.conf 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  3 Invalid
1569886 #1569886 Nova-compute incorrectly reports workload status 3 High Liam Young  4 Won't Fix
1536223 #1536223 neutron.conf invalid for mitaka deploys 2 Critical Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1536675 #1536675 Upgrade from Liberty to Mitaka fails 2 Critical Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1545217 #1545217 mitaka (T + X): haproxy not listening 2 Critical James Page  10 Fix Released
1546885 #1546885 Change Project Context Menu Broken - Liberty 2 Critical David Ames  10 Fix Released
1557789 #1557789 keystone charm is missing get_admin_domain_id 2 Critical Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1565120 #1565120 incorrect replica count in a single-unit ceph deployment 2 Critical Chris Holcombe  10 Fix Released
1565120 #1565120 incorrect replica count in a single-unit ceph deployment 2 Critical Chris Holcombe  10 Fix Released
1567236 #1567236 nova-api-os-compute api failure - DuplicateOptError: duplicate option: auth-url 2 Critical James Page  10 Fix Released
1567778 #1567778 Charm fails on xenial installing mysql 5.7 2 Critical Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1570411 #1570411 custom add_bridge_port(...) function doesn't bring up interface 2 Critical Alex Kavanagh  10 Fix Released
1570823 #1570823 radosgw relation ceph-public-addr only set by leader 2 Critical Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1570823 #1570823 radosgw relation ceph-public-addr only set by leader 2 Critical Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1570970 #1570970 Charm checks for rmq user before it exists 2 Critical David Ames  10 Fix Released
1572506 #1572506 ceph pool_exists() is broken 2 Critical Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1572506 #1572506 ceph pool_exists() is broken 2 Critical Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1572604 #1572604 Deploying percona-cluster charm on xenial results in unclustered units 2 Critical James Page  10 Fix Released
1383390 #1383390 need support for safely adding new devices to the ring post-install 3 High Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1448884 #1448884 ring sync needs leader-switch tolerance 3 High Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1467832 #1467832 keystone charm should run token_flush from cron 3 High Billy Olsen  10 Fix Released
1468306 #1468306 Missing os_region_name for mult-region cinder with nova 3 High Billy Olsen  10 Fix Released
1468306 #1468306 Missing os_region_name for mult-region cinder with nova 3 High Billy Olsen  10 Fix Released
1468306 #1468306 Missing os_region_name for mult-region cinder with nova 3 High Billy Olsen  10 Fix Released
1473528 #1473528 heat (kilo) Cannot get stack domain user token 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1489463 #1489463 error opening pool 'nova' (libvirt-image-backend from qcow2 to rbd fails) 3 High Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1495878 #1495878 ceph-osd charm needs support for multiple journals 3 High Peter Sabaini  10 Fix Released
1513009 #1513009 With MAAS 1.9a2, lvm disks are not correctly skipped when in-use by ceph disk prepare. 3 High Chris Holcombe  10 Fix Released
1513009 #1513009 With MAAS 1.9a2, lvm disks are not correctly skipped when in-use by ceph disk prepare. 3 High Chris Holcombe  10 Fix Released
1517940 #1517940 workload-status is wrong 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1518771 #1518771 nova-compute hugepages breaks the boot process 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1522397 #1522397 Needs Keystone v3 API support 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1524388 #1524388 OS-charms should check for expected services/processes before setting workload status to a ready state. 3 High Alex Kavanagh  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1537155 #1537155 Xenial - ImportError: cannot import name NUM_CPUS 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1541618 #1541618 metering_secret inconsistent 3 High Billy Olsen  10 Fix Released
1543348 #1543348 midonet liberty tries to install <= kilo neutron plugin 3 High Antoni Segura Puimedon  10 Fix Released
1547122 #1547122 xenial: nova-api-metadata not running post deployment 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1553357 #1553357 config-change hook failed with embedded webserver 3 High James Page  10 Fix Released
1557611 #1557611 Charm lacks support for nrpe 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1563331 #1563331 Disable SSLv3 and RC4 by default 3 High   10 Fix Released
1567180 #1567180 mitaka amulet tests blocks with "Services not running that should be: ..." 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1569318 #1569318 Charm fails on xenial, missing /etc/corosync/uidgid.d/ dir 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1570375 #1570375 pause/resume failing for wily-liberty & xenial-mitaka (blocked: apache2 still running) 3 High Alex Kavanagh  10 Fix Released
1570579 #1570579 Keytone charm intermittently: keystoneclient.exceptions.ConnectionRefused: Unable to establish connection to http://localhost:35347/v2.0/OS-KSADM/services 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1570960 #1570960 ceph-osd status blocked on block device detection 3 High Chris Holcombe  10 Fix Released
1571315 #1571315 Keystone charm fails to deploy with prefered-api-version=3 on mitaka 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571347 #1571347 Main config keystone-authtoken section is incompatible with keystone v3 on mitaka 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571347 #1571347 Main config keystone-authtoken section is incompatible with keystone v3 on mitaka 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571347 #1571347 Main config keystone-authtoken section is incompatible with keystone v3 on mitaka 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571347 #1571347 Main config keystone-authtoken section is incompatible with keystone v3 on mitaka 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571347 #1571347 Main config keystone-authtoken section is incompatible with keystone v3 on mitaka 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571347 #1571347 Main config keystone-authtoken section is incompatible with keystone v3 on mitaka 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571768 #1571768 precise-icehouse amulet test failing test_201_ceph_radosgw_relation 3 High Alex Kavanagh  10 Fix Released
1571782 #1571782 Trusty-Icehouse neutron-api: Table 'quotas' already exists 3 High Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1571789 #1571789 install hook failing on Xenial with unmet dependency on mysql-client 3 High Ryan Beisner  10 Fix Released
1571830 #1571830 Heat has status blocked missing database relation 3 High   10 Fix Released
1398783 #1398783 keystone charm config debug and verbose should be boolean 4 Medium Seyeong Kim  10 Fix Released
1445499 #1445499 hacluster charm needs amulet test refactor 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1450020 #1450020 heat charm needs ha support 4 Medium Liang Chen  10 Fix Released
1456876 #1456876 services default to publicURL for internal communication within OpenStack 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1456876 #1456876 services default to publicURL for internal communication within OpenStack 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1456876 #1456876 services default to publicURL for internal communication within OpenStack 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1456876 #1456876 services default to publicURL for internal communication within OpenStack 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1456876 #1456876 services default to publicURL for internal communication within OpenStack 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1456876 #1456876 services default to publicURL for internal communication within OpenStack 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1475795 #1475795 disable ec2 and s3 services for >= kilo 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1512984 #1512984 keystone role names lack case sensitivity - admin == Admin 4 Medium David Ames  10 Fix Released
1513524 #1513524 add ipv6 support for ceph-radosgw 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1515628 #1515628 keystone charm should configure apache mod_wsgi for >= kilo 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1518975 #1518975 Cannot add archive signature key for custom archives 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1523871 #1523871 Support for multiple L3 networks 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1523871 #1523871 Support for multiple L3 networks 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1523871 #1523871 Support for multiple L3 networks 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1524448 #1524448 neutron db migration fails, only attempted by n-c-c @ Juno 4 Medium David Ames  10 Fix Released
1535315 #1535315 Expose direct io OSD config via config option 4 Medium James Page  10 Fix Released
1535315 #1535315 Expose direct io OSD config via config option 4 Medium James Page  10 Fix Released
1535410 #1535410 quantum keystone user does not exist (functional tests fail) 4 Medium Ryan Beisner  10 Fix Released
1537893 #1537893 ha-sync-mode is set to manual, resulting in no queue synchronization among the cluster. 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1538592 #1538592 Can't specify symlinks in osd-devices 4 Medium Björn Tillenius  10 Fix Released
1538592 #1538592 Can't specify symlinks in osd-devices 4 Medium Björn Tillenius  10 Fix Released
1543586 #1543586 re-enable live snapshotting for >= kilo 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1545886 #1545886 need to support vni_range option for ml2 plugin 4 Medium Seyeong Kim  10 Fix Released
1548478 #1548478 ceph amulet tests failing after config option removed from nova.conf 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1548478 #1548478 ceph amulet tests failing after config option removed from nova.conf 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1548478 #1548478 ceph amulet tests failing after config option removed from nova.conf 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1548478 #1548478 ceph amulet tests failing after config option removed from nova.conf 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1548478 #1548478 ceph amulet tests failing after config option removed from nova.conf 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1554871 #1554871 keystone messages no being written to syslog even when use-syslog=true 4 Medium Leonardo Borda  10 Fix Released
1558642 #1558642 Update charm to use new pause/resume helpers 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1558642 #1558642 Update charm to use new pause/resume helpers 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1558642 #1558642 Update charm to use new pause/resume helpers 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1558642 #1558642 Update charm to use new pause/resume helpers 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1558642 #1558642 Update charm to use new pause/resume helpers 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1558642 #1558642 Update charm to use new pause/resume helpers 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1558642 #1558642 Update charm to use new pause/resume helpers 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1563340 #1563340 charm tries to restart cinder-backup when it isn't installed 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1566786 #1566786 MTU scripts are no longer needed and broken on xenial 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1570314 #1570314 can't set min-part-hours back to zero 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1571050 #1571050 remove-cache-tier action failing @mitaka 4 Medium Chris Holcombe  10 Fix Released
1571050 #1571050 remove-cache-tier action failing @mitaka 4 Medium Chris Holcombe  10 Fix Released
1572572 #1572572 rgw pool list incorrect 4 Medium Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1496011 #1496011 Glance charm - amqp requires is confusing 5 Low Chris Johnston  10 Fix Released
1554865 #1554865 Ensure log-level config option is applied consistently. 5 Low Leonardo Borda  10 Fix Released
1572491 #1572491 ceph-broker printing incorrect pool info in logs 5 Low Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1572491 #1572491 ceph-broker printing incorrect pool info in logs 5 Low Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1483984 #1483984 multi-network support 6 Wishlist Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1483985 #1483985 multi-network support 6 Wishlist Edward Hope-Morley  10 Fix Released
1545179 #1545179 ceph mon relation data behavior changed (ceph-radosgw amulet test failing) 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1556904 #1556904 openstack-on-lxd: keystone doesn't do v3 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1563667 #1563667 install fails trying to create existing directory /var/lib/ceph/nss 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1567741 #1567741 get_keystone_manager exhausts retries on: Unable to establish connection to http://localhost:35347/v2.0/OS-KSADM/services 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
1593160 #1593160 identity-admin relation lacks v3 support 1 Undecided Liam Young  10 Fix Released
This milestone contains information